Thursday, February 23, 2006

Do You See a Paradox Here?

We ate at Chick-Fil-A last week, and boy, did I laugh when I saw this pamphlet beside the napkins and straws. You see, I have a belly. Mine was caused by eating chicken biscuits from Bojangle's, however, not burgers. Wonder what Chick-Fil-A would say about that? Nevermind that almost everything on their nutrition chart and menu is out of sight in fat content! I didn't compare their charts to burger charts, I admit, but you can hardly tell me that deep-fat-fried chicken is not at least one of the culprits in the burgeoning bellies of America.....LOL......sounds like a good name for a rock group.

I went to my health club yesterday, for the first time this month. My too-tight pants and sweaters have started to bother me, and for the first time in a good while, I wanted to start doing something about it. Guess what? The wet area was closed. The part I love the most about going to the club is the wet area; the steam room, the pool and my very favorite - the hot tub. The hot tub and the pool are what make going to the club and working out bearable for me. It is how I reward myself for riding the bike and walking and lifting weights, and I am not inclined to work out unless I can have the benefits of the hot tub afterward. My disappointment was palpable when I saw the sign on the desk anouncing that the wet area was closed for repairs. The receptionist said smoothly......"The sign has been up for two weeks". I grimaced as I replied, "But I haven't been here in a month!" As I turned on my heel to beat a hasty exit, he said "Y'all have a very nice day, now, ya' heah?" I went straight to Chick-Fil-A!


  1. When in doubt, always hit the fast food... or coffee place! :)

    Hello from Michele's!

  2. You made lemonade from lemons. I wish I had your sense of balance.

  3. I love chicken. But my diet is calling me "where have you gone?

  4. ahh, but if you get the chargrilled chicken sandwich, it's far better than the classic sort with all the fat. And their fries are better than most other fast food places. I checked it out - like everything else fast food, which I love - at . Love that site! And I haven't been to a gym in far longer than a month, so you're doing great!

  5. I don't eat out much at all. You have to love the Chick-fil-A commercials and billboards. Of course when the cow was at a mall in Birmingham, the Nyssa had to have her picture with it. Another one that is "somewhere".

  6. I must say I can't be doing with fast food, but then again I don't do the Gym either. Yes I have a little pot but that's mainly beer & I manage to lose some of it when I go on holiday LOL.

  7. Isn;t Chick Fil A's slogan something like, "We didn't invent the big belly, we just made it better!"?

  8. I am very disciplined and regularly go to the gym...except for this year...I don't know why, but I just don't have the energy to go there. I must get up and go!!! hope they get the repair works done soon for you to enjoy the hot tub again!

  9. I've not been to the gym for years! I'm starting to get a belly too, hehe.

    Here via Michele's :)

  10. I have never experienced going to the gym but I'd like to try it one of these days. I lost around ten pounds since I went on a diet and I can see my flesh sag.

    Hope repairs will be done soon. Btw, Michele sent me today.

  11. I'm reading this while jumping on my mini-trampoline_-_-_-_-_!!

  12. Oh and I started working full time this year in the bakery! There's no hope for me!

    Hi from Michele's!

  13. Cute post.

    Oh, how I miss the occasional Chick Fil-a. We don't have them here.

  14. I love the different "eat chicken not burgers" signs they have at Chick fil a. I even bought their calender which shows "famous" cows like Moolius Caesar and Reuben Hood.

  15. How dare you say Chik.Fil.A's not healthy? Chicken is chicken... whether it's baked or deep fried. Deep fried is my diet... deep fried veggies, deep fried Twinkies... just kidding. Great post!

    Hello! Michele sent me!

  16. Never been to that it a Southern Chain?? We don't have that here in L.A. But I have my own belly, Judy...other foods from other restaurants, I'm afraid...LOL....

    I would be like you about the "Wet Area" favorite excersize is swimming...never thought of it as excersize...I guess that's why I liked it sooooo much...
    Here from Michele this A.M. my dear...

  17. entirely appropriate response, IMO.


  18. It's a good thing we don't have any Chick-fil-A here!

    btw, Michele sent me!

  19. Michele sent me here this time, Judy.

    I know what you mean. Wafflehouse and BoJangle's definitely have affected me also. I love the cajun fries at Bojangle's and the chicken is really good too.

    Good luck fighting your belly, Judy. I admire your pluck. I don't mind the bulges I have enough to stop the eating--at least not yet.

  20. I love those chicken biscuit breakfast sandwiches. Michele sent me.

  21. Thataway, Judy. Show 'em you're not to be trifled with.

  22. ME TOO, when I go to the gym I struggle through the whole ordeal just to sit in the steam room and hot tub. It's the only thing that makes it tolerable :)

  23. I love this advertisement but you're right! We can't blame the burger alone for our weight woes. Wouldn't that be lovely if we could. Eliminate one food item from the diet and whammo ... you're back in shape! Nope... doesn't work that way.

    I'm glad to hear you're working out (or trying to!) and I'm not the only one who needs an overhaul.

    On my way out to the gym yesterday, I bashed my head on the car door frame as I was getting into the driver's seat.I saw stars for a few seconds. I've owned the same car for 8 years now, you'd think I'd know by now how to get into it. Now, this "trauma" to me, was enough to just go back indoors and cozy up on the couch ... but my body is actually telling me different these days. I truly look forward to the physical activity.

    Oh my! What is happening to me? :o

  24. If I belonged to a health club, I would live in the steam room. I LOVE those things! I've heard they are not good for your skin if used repeatedly, so maybe it's good that I don't have access to one regularly.
    Belly fat... Butt fat... Why can't I have more boob fat?

  25. LOL! I don't blame you :D

  26. Glad to see you are working out. However, it must have been disappointing to not be able to relax in the hot tub. I firmly believe it is the almost daily trips to the gym that keep me feeling young.

  27. how disappointing! I started kickbox aerobics this past week...ouch. but it's a good ouch.

    good luck!

  28. They said "Lose the burger belly!" But they didn't say you'll do it by eating at Chick Fil-A. It's justa cow who's trying to get everyone to eat less burgers; what's so wrong with that?


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