When frosty weather comes to town, Kauai beckons me. Too bad I cannot go at will.

an aerial view of Kalapaki Bay. I took that pic during the wonderful helicopter tour. Below that is a post card from the Kauai Marriott, also showing Kalapaki Bay and their fabulous swimming pool, the largest in Hawaii. Too bad it wasn't heated. I spent most of my time in one of the seven hot tubs surrounding the pool. If pool water isn't at least 85*, I don't want to be in it!
The photos on the top are: another view of the pool, and two views of the lagoon or pond in the lobby atrium of the Marriott. It was filled with tropical flowers and foliages, as well as koi, other tropical fish, ducks, swans and other birds. A beautiful place! The last item is a business card from a fun store in Kauai, named "Two Frogs Hugging". Try saying that 3 times fast!! Being a frog collector, I could not resist visiting that store and seeing all their wares. They have statues for sale, both small and large, of two frogs hugging. I know Ribbiticus would love it! Be sure to scroll down to the post below - it is Part 2.

Everyone has their dream location...
I am drawn to Calgary in Wintertime...not that I will go :-(
Any kind of holiday sounds good to me right now.
sunshine & warmth would be great, but no work & sleep would do just fine:-)
Back because Michele sent me
HI Judy, back for a visit again - via Michele's today. Hawaii sounds lovely, but we're heading into summer here so let me know if you think Australia might make a nice change and I'll show you around Sydney's beaches instead!!
Hi Judy.
All that sun sea and sand so tempting as we sit huddledby the fire
Michelle sent me
BEAUTIFUL, Judy! JUst beautiful...I LOVE Hawaii...spent 14 weeks on the BIG Island, many many years ago....Hawaii really haas 'paradise' written all over it, doesn't it?
You have cold weather in N.C.? I'm going to have to laugh for a minute.
Okay. I'm over it. We have snow. But I enjoy the winter. I love all the seasons.
What gorgeous pictures!
Michele sent me!
Your pictures are beautiful!
(I need a vacation.)
Michele sent me!
Yup,yup.yup. I'm so with you on this trip, Judy. Ah, Lordy- how can we get out of here and have a blog party on Kauai?
I will definitively say that you were not flying NWA in recent days. We flew back first class from there in October and while they did manage Mai-tais and mixed nuts and a reasonable meal (while everybody in "the main cabin" had "The Red Snack Box for 5.00it was not this menu. Last time I saw one like this was 10 years ago on a KLM first class flight to Europe.
Doesn't matter, because once you're there it's so impossibly beautiful with such spectacular flowers and fresh fish and ferns and sunlight and waves...
How soon can you pack?
That menu certainly looks great as does the rest of your vacation :)
Michele sent me.
The Hawaii pictures are gorgeous. I have never been. I think the hugging frogs look a bit like aliens from a sci fi movie but the merchandise inside the store must have been overwhelming for a collector like yourself. LOL. What did you buy there?
Great pics, as usual Judy, the two frogs look and sound interesting.
Don't forget our other BlogFrog might like Two Frogs Hugging...has Ivoryfrog seen it? :-)
Michele sent me
Great pictures, it is like having a short vacation thanks to your post! Michele sent me this morning.
I cannot win. This time I worked my way upward and read part II before part I. *sigh*
Lovely pictures, wonderful dreams, eh?
I'll tell you what... if you go there again sometime, you can send me a postcard of all these things that I shall continue to enjoy on the travel channel. :)
I'm a hopeless home-body.
Hopefully I'll honeymoon in Hawaii..after I find the lucky guy...and AFTER you do the wedding ;)
Mmmmm, I love the Hawaiian islands! Hi, Michele sent me :-)
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