Finally! A decent photo of my black cat. Storm is my ever-present companion. She follows me from room to room without complaint, no matter how many times I move. At night, she curls up in my lap as I sit to watch TV or read. When I need a snack, rousting her out of "her spot" is not easy and the look she gives me is calculated to kill - or maybe just to say - hurry back mom, so I can nestle in again.
Vicki, at http://outsidein.typepad.com/ has recently posted a photo of one of her cats, which is almost a dead ringer for Storm. I was happy to get this relatively good photo so I could show Vicki how close they are in looks. It isn't very clear in this photo, but Storm has a small white patch on her chest, which we call a "cloud". Vicki's cat has that too. Small world.
Green eyes or yellow eyes?
Our kitties had two kitty friends in Mississippi, Shadow (brightest green eyes I'd ever seen) and Bitty Kitty (amber yellow eyes) both black all over.
That's a pretty little itty bitty witty kitty kitty kitty.
And her's a Lap Cat too. Mine become Lap Cats after the first frost of the season.
Storm is aptly named! I like this kind of cat- they have a lot of class. Sophie is not as cozy as Storm- she's not a lap cat yet but she might be at some point. She's still only a couple years old and too busy and independent to sit and visit (strange- everything I write reminds me of Abby...)but she enjoys a good head rub and she will "wrestle" with my head if I'm on the floor doing pilates or whatever. And she does sleep at my side all day in the felted bag I made for my knitting. :-) And, just like Abby, at night she has places to go and creatures to meet.
Storm and Sophie look a lot alike-esp. with those sleek coats!
pretty kitty! I had two cats named Sam and Max. Man, I miss those cats. There's something about a cat with personality that outdoes any dog, any day... though I do have a dog in my future. The hubby wants one and so does the girl.
Oh well, give Storm a hug for me.
She looks alot like Buddah, just bigger. Well, she doesn't have that Short Bus look to her face Buddah seems to have 90% of the time, either.... ;)
He has a tiny white patch on his tummy..otherwise he's jet black.
She's a beauty, all right! As soon as I saw that pic I had to go give one of mine a kiss on her nose! (I'm a softy that way!)
I love black cats...so sleek. Mine LOOKS sleek and powerful when she's sleeping, but then she wakes up and she's like the Jerry Lewis of cats.
That is one fine looing kitty. Something about blogs and cat pictures go together. We need some statistics of how many blogs have pictures of cats somewhere on them.
My wife rescued a big black cat like that once for my parents to adopt.
Beautiful kitty. We have 4, two are orange tabbies, on is a blue creme kitty, kinda grey and light orange and the other is black and orange.
Hey Kenju just popped over to say hi.
(Michelle sent me and yes I am so glad I found her blog.)
I am afraid I have no cats ... so feel a bit of an imposter on this post.
And I forgot. Michele sent me.
Pretty baby! I love snuggle cats.
If Storm likes you that much, my guess is that you're the one who feeds and pets her. This is not an educated guess, though, because I never had a cat educate me, like this one has done to you.
God, I miss my kitties. And they were MY kitties, DAMMIT. They were originally gotten for the girls, but girl # 1 went away to college, then got married and moved clear across the country. Girl # 2 is just irresponsible and is very self absorbed.
She's a beauty. I've always loved that sense of mystery that black cats convey.
visiting from michele's
What a beautiful cat. She reminds me of our cat Shadow.
Sadly we had to say goodbye to him in March of this year. But your photo brought back wonderful memories.
Michele sent me
Beautiful kitty! :) I love black cats, they're great.
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