My nine-year-old grandson holds the future in the palms of his hands. Six and 1/4" from the tip to the wrist, what will they build in the future?
His current ambition is to build the world's largest library. This boy is a reader! He devours books about dinosaurs and Star Wars. His newest book, one he has been wanting for a long time, is "Dragonology". He has already read it from cover to cover.
His library will have many floors, he vows, and they will have books on every subject known to man. I suspect this is his idea of Heaven on Earth, so he is building it in his mind. Who is to say he may not one day accomplish that dream in reality?
He and I went to see "March of the Penguins" yesterday. I had already seen it, but it is worthwhile enough to see twice, and I recommend you take your little loved ones to see it too. It is a story of love and sacrifice, as much as anything. He said afterward that it was sad in places, but kind of happy too.
His mother gave permission for his photo to appear here, and I am sure he will be happy when he sees it. We love you, Grandson, and we really enjoyed your visit.
I love his library vision. I hope that this sort of library exists when he is all grown-up- fear they will disappear and appear only as a collection of media storage devices. Dragonology! Sounds like a must read. Lucky Judy- she's a grandma!
Books will never die!!!!! Your grandson is my kinda guy -
it is a thrill to see a youngster entralled with reading!
I love to hear about a child who loves books. I hope he makes his dreams come true.
The boy is very wise to read a lot. There are lots of words in books that have been converted into good ideas. And then there was Rube Goldberg.
My daughters and I have always dreamed of having our own library! I am happy you had time to spend with your lovely grandson. Is that your pool?
Oh, what better than to have a wonderful library!
I read a good quote today, but I forget how it goes exactly. I think it was "The more you can dream, the more you can do." Your post reminded me of this. Because your grandson dreams big, I'm sure that one day he WILL do big things.
Lovely post. Thank you for stopping by my blog, too!!
I hope he builds it; the world needs wonderful libraries.
So, what do you think? Would a five year old enjoy the movie? Sweet Girl starts school soon and I want to take her to a movie before then.
What a big hand for a little boy!!
So sweet he loves his books so much.
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