Why do grocery stores put the cart corrals so far away from the handicapped parking? Shouldn't somebody suggest that they should place them closer? Or they could have more corrals per line of cars. What good does it do a handicapped person to have a parking place close to the door if they have to walk 6-8 spaces to and from the cart corral?
The Confederate Flag: People on FB are saying it is Freedom of Speech to be able to fly that flag. I"m not sure I agree; everyone I have ever known who was a fan of that flag has been racist and intolerant. Why should we give them a public platform? When I was trying to sell my parent's last home, the next door neighbor had a confederate flag behind the gun rack on his truck. He told me that if I sold that house to a black person, he wouldn't be responsible for what he might do. I set him straight immediately, and said "then we will know exactly who to report to police if anything happens to the house."
Why do people, if they use turn signals at all, put them on 30 seconds before they intend to turn? I'm not sure which is worse - people who do this or people who never turn off their turn signals.
Why do grocery stores have to "remodel" (meaning rearrange) the store floorplan every few years or so? All our stores are being remodeled now and I can't find anything!! Plus, the floors are being replaced, and at the moment, there are so many different levels/bumps on the floor that it is hard to push the cart.
I just don't understand racism at all. Well done for what you said to your neighbour.
Here is another why... Why are the handicapped stalls in the very back of a public restroom? Especially large places that have a long row of stalls.
Our founding fathers were wise men, and they knew that in order to be totally free, that speech had to be protected. Even speech to those who spew hate is considered 'protected'. Just think about it if we started saying opinions (even bad ones) could not be expressed because we disliked the message there is no free speech anymore. 1st amendment lawyers or other experts will tell you that it is only when violence is perpetrated that it crosses the line and is no longer a free speech issue, it's obviously a crime. As much as anyone who doesn't agree with the ideas behind much of what goes for 'hate speech' I prefer to support the idea that you can say it, I don't have to listen or agree with it and as long as you don't do something about it, then we're all good. You may not agree with this assessment and that will just illustrate my right to try and explain and your right to disagree with it.
All good questions! I don't know why people have to share their hateful views so loudly and publicly but I defend their right to freedom of speech. All we can do is refuse to listen.
Questions to ponder----Especially the ones about Racism. It seems---in this country---that Race will always be a horrific problem because it is passed on from one generation to another....As Oscar Hammerstein wrote: "You've Got To Be Taught"....Racism is learned from one generation to the next. So So Sad. Nothing will change till that changes.
There is not a cart rack near the handicapped parking spots but usually one or two carts are left near those places. I guess by previous handicapped drivers. Once a leader in our church told me if I was ever seen again with Airmen from the local Airforce base, I would be shunned by the entire town. It is bad to have a person with the turn signal left on coming toward you or driving ahead of you. There is a method to the store rearranging madness. They want you to see more stuff that you don't need.
Well,I can relate to all you wrote about, Judy, but especially the do-over of a store. My local Food Lion looks lovely but what good is that when I can't find a thing !!!
You are so right, Judy. About the cart corrals. If I'm lucky enough to get a handicapped space I usually just leave my cart there in the space because the next person will usually want it. I know I'm happy when I drive into the spot and see a cart already there for me to use as a walker ..
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