Monkey gets dressed for Christmas! |
Dining room wreath |
Pre-lit pencil tree (I forgot to turn the lights on for the photo) |
Wreath |
Vicki Bennett's Vintage Christmas postcard, on display! |
Mr. and Mrs. Santa, by Tom Clark |
Stair bannister |
Newel Post detail |
This year, I didn't do much in our den, since the fireplace area is still somewhat of a mess from the chimney fiasco, and needs to be repainted. Hence - no mantel photos.
Some of our neighborhood women mounted our third annual caroling for a beloved (almost a shut-in) neighbor last night. We arrived bearing a full dinner, home-made by each of the six of us. I took crab stuffed deviled eggs and they were enjoyed by all, as well as a cream cheese/pepper jelly appetizer, with good crackers. The main dish was a shrimp and rice casserole; the side dishes were marinated asparagus, pear salad and cranberry-apple compote. Dessert was apple pie and ice cream, and wine was flowing to those who imbibe.
We sang six numbers and then danced in a chorus line to "New York, New York." You'd have laughed to see it; one of the women just had knee surgery, one has back trouble, another has a bad foot and I had hip pain. Only two of the six were healthy - so I think we did rather well, considering. The family certainly seemed to enjoy it. They were joined by their two sons and a 4 year old granddaughter, and all of them laughed at the funny lyrics we sang this year, instead of just straight carols.
Have you caroled this year?
Lovely...enjoy the holidays with your loved ones..
What a wonderful thing you all do each year---and it sounds like it was a lot of fun this year---More fun than usual---even though any number of you are 'falling apart'...(lol).
Lovely Decorations, my dear Judy...!
Loved the photos :)
I have been sick so I have not started decorating yet :(
What a lovely thing to do for your neighbor. Your kindness is a soothing balm to this tired soul of mine.
No, haven't done any carolling but I bet you and your neighbors did a great New York :)
Thank you for sharing your Christmas. I must admit that I looked right through the decorations to the lovely (walnut?) furniture with marble tops. I grew up in my grandmother's antique shop and really love antiques.
Your dinner for your neighbor made my mouth water. Thanks for sharing. Perhaps next year I will find the energy to dig out Christmas. Bailey and Cassie really don't care.
Merry Christmas
You came through with bestowing the spirit of Christmas in your own home. My word verification is appropriate...."magic"
Love the decorations.
No carolling from me, my voice would frighten the neighbours! ;)
Now relax and enjoy the festivities.
I really like that wreath but the whole house looks great. I expected no less.
What a neat thing you and your neighbors did. You really do live in a great neighborhood.
With my voice, caroling is best listened to than participated in.
Time now to just enjoy.
How fun and yum!!!!!
Love the caroling and dinner! What a nice to do.
I love the large pine cones on last photo, how cool. Everything looks lovely.
I think you deserve a big rest this Christmas!
Your decorations are so lovely. And I love the description of the dinner and entertainment. I'll bet you did that family a world of good by providing much needed laughter.
Judy--Why had I not noticed in previous postings your penchant for antiques? My mother would have loved the pieces you show. It would have been great to have seen your chorus line on YouTube; but, I might not have been able to tolerate such mirth. Your description had me in stitches!
Cop Car
What a lovely thing to do - the spirit of Christmas is alive and well.
The decorations are lovely - as I would expect but I don't know how you find the energy/ Superwoman!
Dear Judy,
My wish for you is a wonderful and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2012.
I love your blog because you offer so many different and interesting topics through the year.
Thanks and have a great holiday...
I want to see the video of the six of you singing and dancing... and I want to see my neighbors bringing me crab stuff deviled eggs!
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