Wednesday, November 09, 2011

On the way home from work tonight... I stopped at a light and saw this full moon....looking like a note on a line of music. I wonder what The moon sounds


OldLady Of The Hills said...

What a great shot, Judy!! Perfect!

Celia said...

Beautiful picture, as a kid I always thought the moon hummed, but I don't know what.

Ginnie said...

I love your reference to the moon looking like a note of music ... I think we bloggers have great imaginations and I, too, always have my camera at the ready !!

ancient one said...

That's a great shot. Wished I knew how to read music..

MaR said...

What a fantastic shot and beautiful nocturnal sonata!!

Star said...

Great shot Judy ! And such a creative interpretation . Especially for your way home after a day at work!

Unknown said...

It does look like the moon is a note on the musical scale!!

"Moon over Miami"

Arkansas Patti said...

What a neat shot. Hasn't the moon been awesome lately.

Granny Annie said...

You are so observant. And, not only did you see it, you managed to capture that great photo!

Lynn said...

It DOES look like a note on sheet music! Cheers to that. :)

Beverly said...

Neat photo!

Anonymous said...

Judy--Good shot & good observation; although, what kind of music has that many lines on a staff?!!!! Did I grow up musically challenged that I can't translate the note? I would have thought that, having played (at, perhaps)piano, violin, bassoon, and ukelele, I would have met similar music. At any rate, regardless of my giving you a hard time, I'll enjoy looking at your great photo.
Cop Car

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

It was cloudy here and the moon had a halo of orange around it. I have a fantasy that the moon's favorite song is Moon River.

Jean Campbell said...

If you are a soprano, that's an A. If a bass, a C below middle C. Perhaps the opening note of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Great capture.

Grannymar said...

On a scale of one to ten, I give it an A! Nice capture.

Anonymous said...

We saw the same moon last night but it was dancing across the tops of trees across the street.

Pat said...

Clever girl!

Anonymous said...

What a great image! I love that you saw it as a musical note. Wonderful!

Alexa said...

Very niceā€”and this one's clearly not a half note. BTW, I took mine with a point-and-shoot too. :~}