After 1,120+ posts in a little over 2 years, Just Ask Judy is changing. I am ready for something different. When I finally changed to the new Blogger, I sampled the fun of a new template and new colors. The change bug bit me hard.
Last month, Shephard, at:
wrote about seeing Debbie Reynold's daughter Carrie Fisher, in her one-woman show. During that show, she told a lot of "family secrets" and one thing she said was......Imagine what I'm leaving out!
Last month, Shephard, at:
wrote about seeing Debbie Reynold's daughter Carrie Fisher, in her one-woman show. During that show, she told a lot of "family secrets" and one thing she said was......Imagine what I'm leaving out!
I was immediately struck with the thought that it would be a heckuva good name for a blog. So, I am going to stop writing at Just Ask Judy and resume my daily discourses here:
Just Ask Judy will remain in place, and you can come and read archives or see photos whenever you want. I hope to place new photos (and perhaps the older albums too) on the new blog as well as the blogroll I so recently placed here.
Please join me there and welcome my new creation:
Before I leave here, please let me thank all of you for a wonderful, enlightening, and sometimes exciting two years here. Your comments and humor are heart-warming and I truly am grateful for your continued support.
Onward, Judy.
Wherever you are, we'll follow. Thank YOU for making the blogosphere such a warm and inviting place.
Looking forward to reading your new site. Over I go...
Hi there, I’ve been relying on using Bloglines to do my daily rounds of the blogroll for a while now, it’s a very time saving method but it feels a bit impersonal at times, so it’s a hot Saturday, I’m gonna sit here and visit with everyone, It won’t feel any different to you but know that I chose to visit today instead of just answering an electronic reminder.
Have a good day.
I thought it fitting on my day of flitting that I leave a note on justaskjudy now I must flit over to the newbie.
annnnd... Here I go!
Done with class, as usual. Congrats on your new homeontheweb.
Wow Judy!
First Greg getting a new blog, now you are!
I can't quiet figure what you are up to by changing.
Change is good....
See you on the flip side.
I change my template all the time. A woman's perogative, lol! Good luck w/the new one. I'll be over :)
Is it the spring cleaning bug? Or just Blogger hijacking high jinks that has a lot of people changing. Can't wait to see what theme you have going over there... so here goes.....
EeeeeYAY!! Change is good!
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to this blog and I'm sure your next one will be just as wonderful!!
Wow that is a lot of posts in two years. Good luck with the new site. Michele sent me.
Oh, my. This place has been part and parcel of my life these past two years. But I can change. Change is good. I'll have to visit here for old times sake, but I'm on my way over now...
Well I am on my way, Judy! I'm glad I found you here (your comments are always a treat to me) and I'm looking forward to seeing your new side!
Congratulations on the new blog!
I am glad you are keeping the old one up becuase I really enjoy it.
See you at the new place!
Hugs and Love,
Congratulations on the new blog. I am looking forward to visiting you there!!!
I've enjoyed my visits here at Just Ask Judy, and I know I'll enjoy your new blog.
oh gee, now I have to go updating my blog list again... but I'll follow you over--today I was force to convert to the new (former beta) blogger
Time to update my blogroll with your new site! Can't wait to check it out. :)
NOT A TEST! ~ Have a GREAT Valentine's Day! ~ jb///
In case anyone wants to know what all the TEST comments are for: The only way that I can moderate and publish comments is to sign in to my blog first. If I try to do it on the usual page, it doesn't work. It's a bit of a pain in the tush.
You go girl! I'm right behind ya.
I've missed you daily posts Judy. Hope you are recovered from the Valentine's rush!
I've been missing your daily posts Judy. Hope you are recovered from the Valentine's Day rush!
Congrats on the move. Hope you like the new digs at least as well.
you must post here.
change is bad
change is hard
change is what you used to get from your dollar at McDonald's after a meal.
lady can you spare some change?
I'm changing my teeth
I'll be following!
I'll be following, too and your new blog will have a place on my blogroll, too. I look forward to more of your wit and wisdom!!!!!!!
Hey Judy!
Just wanted to THANK YOU for what you said to Anna about her gifts. It BLESSED ME!!!!! God's given me a great gift of being able to sing, but I've always been the "shy" type - as in, I don't really value my gift. I always downplay it...like oh, there are thousands of people that can sing...so thank you for your encouraging words to Anna - you encouraged and challenged ME!
Now if I could just play the guitar really well... :)
I will follow too
Cheers Margaret
I'm coming to see you now! ;)
This is a great blog, love your thumbnail.
Can you imagine how tired I am of having to sign in here nearly everytime I access the internet??!!
You don't know me but I just dropped in to say hi and they are right...change is good. *s*
change for the better!! Always
gud one!
Hello, Kenju, Michele sent me. New creations are good. I'll check out your new blog.
Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed my visit with you. I will be around more.
I answered your question over at my place but it's kind of long winded.
just Dropping by to say Hi!
I can't figure out how Blogger stacks up to the other blogging softwares. I started with Blogger a long time ago, and have always had success with Google products (I like the way they work together) ... but I've also heard good things about Word Press. Too many options out there!
i like your blog......
Thanks for sharing.....
Best of luck in your new adventure.
dorothy from grammology
Good luck with your new blog!
Wishing you a happy new year!
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