Friday, December 22, 2006

Dizzy Blondes

Two blondes, Becky and Sally, were putting siding on a house.

Becky, who was nailing down the siding, would reach into her nail pouch, pull out a nail and either toss it over her shoulder or nail it in.

Sally, wondering what she was doing, asked, "Why are you throwing away all those nails?"

Becky explained, "When I pull a nail out of my pouch, about half of them have the head on the wrong end, so I throw them away."

Sally got completely upset and yelled, "You moron! Those nails aren't defective, they're for the other side of the house!"


Anonymous said...

That's really cute! I work for a General Contractor, and write the quarterly newsletter. I may have to throw that one in there.

Anonymous said...

You better "holliday-up" your next post good. I can't wish you a Merry Christmas in the "Dizzy Blondes" file!

srp said...

I knew a REAL dizzy blonde. She tried to iron the wrinkles out of her PAPER lab coat and wondered why it caught fire. Someone in the lab told her that Cheerios were doughnut seeds and she believed them. She didn't work there long.

Beverly said...

Oh, that is a good one. Thanks. I'm glad I'm not blonde!

Mike said...

I have heard that one before but a good blonde joke is a good blonde joke.

Here from Michele

Catherine said...

I think I've heard it before too, but it's still a good one. Michele sent me.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Thank You So Much Judy, for the gift in my stocking! Isn't that a cute idea?
Merry Merry, my dear....! (And I hope Mr. Kenju is picked...! You have to wait till February??? Oh My!

Anonymous said...

Good story Judy.