On October 17th, we took the train from Paris to Versailles, to tour the Chateau de Versailles, the palatial home of Louis XIV, begun in 1668. But first, I want to tell you about the best bakery ever! It is the Boulanger Patisserie in the town of Versailles, just up the street from the train station.

The photos speak for themselves. (And please DO click to enlarge!) What more could I say about such luscious fare?

I ate a pistachio eclair; the green "hotdog" shape above. It had a wonderful creme filling in pistachio flavor, was topped with pistachio icing and as you can see, one end was dipped into chopped pistachio nuts.
Heaven on earth, it was. I was tempted to have one in every flavor (I am ashamed to admit).
But look at the cakes in the last pic. I am sure that they also tasted heavenly, because how could something that looks like that not taste like ambrosia? They are truly too beautiful to cut. If you go to France, go directly to Versailles; do not pass go, do not collect $200 - find the Boulanger Patisserie and be hungry!

Tomorrow I will show you photos of the palace, and they are worth waiting for!

I am just getting up so I wouldn't have any of those at the moment, but... they look so yummy that I might have a couple this evening ;) Great photos too.
Looks good Judy, but a hell of a long way to go for a cake.
Oh My Lordy!!! My mouth is watering just looking at all these beautiful works of Art! How did you find this fabulous place Judy? Had someone told you about it or was it in a GuideBook? However you found it...IT IS A TREASURE! YUM!
Just looking at your pictures I gained 2 pounds.
How did you choose just one? ANd how do french wown stay so skinny?
Oh, I am so thankful that you stoped by my front porch to say hello...I had lost you on my blogroll!!! I'm especially glad this morning with all the yummy treats you have displayed ;)
Those cakes looks like works of art or a centerpiece for a table.
those, alone, would be worth the trip! :)
Hubby and I have often said...we should do a trip where we go to all the great bakeries of ther world! LOL This looks incredible!
Oh, yum yum yum. I've never been to France, but this reminds me of how the French influence still carried over into West Africa and I'd stare longlingly at bakery cases in the capitals as a Peace Corps volunteer, unable to afford the goods.
Also, love that you use the word ambrosia. I've loved that word every since the dog on Labyrinth.
I'll have the green cake with the raspberries, please. :)
I love the little quiches, since I am rather "salty", lol!
beautiful pieces, just wonderful !
that looks good--it's probably fattening just to look at
Here from Michele this time.
You hit the nail on the head. The bakeries in Europe are absolutely to die for and none here in the US even come close.
Boy do they look good! Pleez mail me some :)
Anything I have for the next million years won"t compare to any of those gorgeous pastries.
I was so happy that you gave me the opportunity to feast my eyes!! When I get hungry for more feasting I'll vist you again. At least I won't gain any weight that way.
I failed the word verification on the post above a couple of times while being distracted by pastry.
Those confections look almost too good to eat....like edible art!
When I was a kid, I was just tall enough to see the wonders behind the glass display at our local bakery. I always vowed to return with a camera.
The place is still open. Perhaps I will the next time I stay in Montreal.
Wow! How did I miss that. Je voudrais deux montelimar s'il vous plait. I'm dribbling on my keybooard!
Oh man. I am so hungry right now. Michele sent me back this morning but I would have come anyway. I really love all of your photographs!
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