A few words about the European train system, known as Eurail. During our recent trip, we took trains between Rome and Florence, between Florence and Zurich and from Zurich to Paris and Versailles, and back to Paris.
Guess what? The trains left the stations when the schedule said they would and they arrived at their destinations when the schedule said they would.
Why can't I make the same statement about Amtrak in the US?
Hi!! Ooooooh, how lovely to click onto your site and to see Finland there! Well, Europe - but of course my eyes went home right away! =)
And you are right - the trains are amazing - although unfortunately the system (at least in Finland) has suffered post EU - like most of public transportation.
One time Bruce and I got on a train with our humongous backpacks and didn't realize the stops are *precicely* 60 seconds long. Well, my pack got caught on the door knob and before we knew it, the doors locked, and the train started rolling again. We went another 80 KM to the next city....
By the way - I have finally linked you. I swear I keep living "Groundhog Day" with this... I thought I've done it at least twice already?!
The US are a bus country. Your Greyhound and other buses are on time and compared to our bus system, belong to the 21st century. Also up to now, trains have been a national thing. Now, with the building of Europe, any country or company can buy a part of the system.
No one knows what is going to happen when no one in particular is responsible for the maintaining of tracks and correspondences... I fear the worst.
I didn't take any trains in Europe, but the train system in Japan is amazing.just like your experience we found them prompt and clean, and the people who work for the companies were friendly and helpful. Even to befuddled tourists.
Or for that matter - in about trains India :)
Even in Mussolini's day the Italian's one claim to fame was the trains ran on time. Glad to hear it continues.
Well, I am glad to hear something runs on time, even if it is all the way across the Atlantic. I must be a bit pessimistic because I didn't think anything ran on time anymore.
my mom and i took amtrack to florida from nc once, thinking it was gonna be a nice, comfy ride(she hadn't ridden the train since she was a young girl)- little did we know!!!!! being on time isn't the only issue!
Hi from Michele`s!
The trains are like that in Japan as well, had you gone to England you would have seen that not all of Europe is like that though because the English trains probably make the US trains look punctual!!
The train system is only one of the things I love about Europe and wonder why we can't it right in this country.
They are usually on schedule... well, Stephen says they are always on time except for Italy. And while we were there they had a couple of days of strikes and were late. The ones that run between the large cities are better than those in the smaller towns of Italy. In Germany and Austria, however, they are all punctual... I really loved travelling by train. We miss a lot of beautiful countryside by not having a good train system here.
the US has trains??? you mean other than the urban nightmares that often run over suicidal drivers? who wouda thunk it?
Thanks for the visit Judy..I think it is fantastic that these trains run on time!!! What do you suppose is wrong with Amtrak???
What kind of camera did your kids give you Judy? I really think those pictures of the ceilings are remarkable!
Glad to see blogger is letting you post pictures again! Even the leftovers are superb.
Oh, pick me, pick me! I can answer this one! IT's because Amtrak shares the rails with freight.
Factoid: it took my in-laws 44 hours to make a trip from Seattle to Los Angeles, when it was scheduled to do it in 21. All because of freight delays.
LOVE Eurail. What gorgeous and comfy trains.
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