Another view of the Pyramide at the Musee du Louvre.

I hope that I don't offend any French people by saying this, but the Louvre maps and printed materials are not easy to understand, even if they are printed in English too. We asked so many guards where to find a certain Egyptian statue, and everyone we asked gave us a different answer. Except for the two statues above, and the Mona Lisa, we saw precious little else because we were always trying to find which set of stairs (and there are many) led to the section we wanted to see.
The next three photos are of Notre Dame, the famous cathedral; outside, the doors, and the rose window. It is a beautiful place, but it has many rivals in Italy, and by that time they had all begun to run together in my mind.

Someday I would love to tour Europe just for the cathedrals and all that gorgeous stained glass. I could never get enough of it.
I get lost at the Louvre too, I thought it was because I couldn't read a map (which I can't) but I see that other people get in trouble too ;)
I think this is positive criticism for the Louvre people: make the information more clear to the public! when we are visiting we don't know our way around and we problably don't think the way locals do...
Lovely pics again and I like the new black frame, very nicely done!
Wow, Judy. I feel like I've been tagging along on this trip with you, seeing all the sites as you go. Great pictures! I'm especially fond of the close up, looking up view of the Eiffel Tower structure.
Ooh! Mr Ksnju looks nice!
Parisians are not noted for their local knowledge. I once spent a whole afternoon on a particular street trying to find Gertrude Stein's old atelier. I could understand that they didn't know but they had never heard of her!
My husband and I were in Paris many years ago. Before we made the trip he got all kinds of maps and was preparing to be my tour guide. - Well, he was the greatest map reader but he realized that it was going to be to difficult for us to tour the Louve on our own- so we found out what time there was going to be an English speaking tour and got around that way so we did not get lost.
The only problem we had was finding the front entrance!!;-)
"Sacre Bleu sur un baton! Zee maps, zay are horeeebleh."
Oh, my French teacher would be so proud.
Love the photos.
~S :)
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