If you have the opportunity to see this, seize it! I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful it is; the costumes and puppets are fabulous, the set decor spectacular and the actors are masters at their craft (and it is only the travelling show, not Broadway)!
I was given tickets for tonight's performance (an early birthday present) and they were like manna from Heaven to me. The show itself is a gift in all aspects. I cannot stress enough how good and joyous it is, how interesting the puppets and the skill it takes to make them move in so believeable a way. How fun some of the characters are; for instance, Timon and Puumba, Zazu, Rafiki and the hyena trio. We were literally spellbound for the whole three hours. Don't think because you have seen the animated movie that you don't need to see the live production. They bear no resemblance to each other visually. You deserve a treat, don't you? This is one you won't soon forget.
WOW high praise indeed! If ever it comes my way I will certainly look into it after such a stellar recommendation...glad u had a great time tonight!
Here via Michele's this time.
We saw it here at Christmas last year. That was my gift for the family. The costuming is absolutely magnificent!
When is their Australian Season Judy?
Now I have the "Lion Sleeps Tonight" song playing over and over in my head. Thanks a lot! LOL
They have a production of this at Animal Kingdom at Disney...and I loved it on this small scale. I will keep my eye out for the traveling show :)
Hi Judy ~~ I am glad you had such a nice early treat for your birthday and that you enjoyed it so much.
Thanks for yur comments.Take care,
Hugs, Merle.
I haven't seen the Lion King, apart from the animated one. :) If I see if coming, I'll give it a go.
Michele sent me.
Happy early birthday Judy! I'm so glad you got to see this show - it is indeed incredible, although I have to say, I'm a bigger fan of the animated movie. I know, I know! I'm not sure why, although ANY opportunity to hear this music is worthwhile. What an awesome gift!!! Happy birthday!!!
Michele sent me your way this morning. Have a great day!
Hmmm, maybe I'll see if I can score some tickets for this weekend and take the kiddies. They're about the right ages to see a production like this.
Okay, this is really good news because I have tickets for a November performance in Los Angeles. Your enthusiasm is catchy and now I am really excited about attending.
I agree if you have the opportunity go see Lion King. You should write reviews and get free tickets to performances.
Did I miss you running nekkid for world peace? Drat! I like the Asian Serenity, below and where are you and Mr. Negative going that he needs- or doesn't- a longer handle on his goods?
sounds like a great time. They were already in this area last year and we missed it.
Pretty amazing, huh. :)
One of my fave tricks is when the water dries up. :)
I got my tickets yesterday, for October 6th. Can't wait! So glad to hear it's worth all my anticipation!
I would love to go see this! I havn't been to many plays...it's something I would like to change.
Here via michele today =-)
Hey there...I was glad to find your blog! I love the cartoons...
Hey verybody - go and check out Anna's photo blog (link above). She is a very good photographer!
Hi Judy. So glad to be catching up. "They" took away my computer to give my sholder a rest. Oh pooh. Next time I'm keeping my mouth shut!
Loved the cartoon of Mr. Kenju---I thought his previously posted photo showed a remarkable resemblence to the cartoon! And, yes. I do deserve a treat.
They did an episode of Sports Night, which was one of my all time favorite TV shows, in which one of the characters who doesn't like plays takes her niece to see The Lion King and she raves and raves and raves about it -- it converts her to a lover of plays.
I see an echo of her enthusiasm in your post.
Thanks for the suggestion, and review, Judy. While it's been a while since I've gone to see the theatre--not since I moved here from Atlanta, I think--there's always a chance I'll go in the future.
On the Michele subject--by the way, she sent me--do you think there's any chance she's going to return from vacation as a Mrs? I've been thinking about that this past week. They've been dating an awful long time.
Hey! Keep your eyes open this weekend, Judy. I'm going to be over on the Raleigh side of Apex/Cary so you might see me if you're out driving around. I have a bunch of errands to run and I'll probably be over at Crossroads at least a few times and maybe Umstead Park if I can get my girlfriend to go hiking. She's kinda reluctant to do that sorta thing.
I'm glad you liked the show. I'm a total theater snob, and I loved it!
But that aforementioned episode of Sports Night bothered the heck out of me. Both the show and Lion King were produced by Disney. It was really just a big ad masquerading as a character's epiphany. But the show really does rock!
Oh, and Michele sent me!
I have only listened to the music and it is wonderful enough to figure out the musical itself is superb. Via Michele's this time :)
I've wanted to see this for some time.
I need to check the schedule and see when it will be in the bay area..
I've seen it twice on Broadway (one time in the FIRST row) and it is truly an amazing spectacle. Even people who don't like musicals would love it. One of the best ever.
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