Saturday, June 03, 2006

What is unusual about.....

These Words?


See If You Can Figure Out What These Words Have In Common...... The answer will be in the comments. Don't cheat!


kenju said...

If you take the first letter of each word, place it at the end of the word and read it backwards, the words read the same as they did forwards.

Rene said...

OH, I get it.

Here from Michele's today.

Carolyn said...

I couldn't do it so I had to cheat, lol! That's pretty darn clever I think ;)

Beverly said...

I wish I had been smart enough to figure that out.

Anonymous said...

I got it!!! Without cheating! Yay me! ;)

Here from Michele's. Hi!

Olyal said...

I so wasn't clever enough to get that... I thought it had something to do with double letters or something...

Michele sent me today!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I am soooo not good at this. I know there are multiple letters in each word...That's it! LOL!
Well...I never would have gotten that! Very clever!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Seems like they have repetitive letters, but now I'll go check out the real answer. I added you to my blogroll tonight, Kenju. Is that your real name, by the way? It's very pretty.

Anonymous said...

I cheated. But what else is new?

utenzi said...

I just thought it was that there were at least two sets of double letters in each word. Oh, well. It was a bad guess. :-(

Michele sent me this way just to get stumped, Judy. :-)

Merle said...

Hi Judy ~~ Very clever. Like most I thought it was double letters of 3 vowels in a word. Had to look. Thanks.
Also thanks for your comments. I will see what I can come up with.Meanwhile
it is good to give folks a laugh.
Take care, Merle.

Eddie said...

I get it (after you explained it)!!!
That is sort of like my name: Eddie!

By the way, the magic word I have to type in this time to get your reply section to accept my reply is ovhij,
which at a quick glance makes me think of "over the hill".

Peter said...

Very clever Judy, (I cheated)

Pat said...

Honey - I'm having an ancient blonde day and the answer is more confusing than the question!

Bobealia... said...

Here's a hint: I can't, Kenju?
Don't give it away though!

Chancy said...

Kenju I am really dumb on those word games so I didn't even try.:)

The wedding flowers are so beautiful and what a delight to hear all those wonderful Irish accents. My husband and I (with daughter and son in law went to Ireland a few years back)Part of the delight of the trip was the lilting Irish accents.

Gel said...

Fun post. I've done this when teaching writing or vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

This is the question on "car talk"
this week! on New York public Radio