Sunday, April 16, 2006

Blog Break!

As some of you know, I will be gone from today through next weekend, so there will be no posts for a while. Have a great week and when I return, I may have some good pics to show you. Or I might need to have a padded room for a spell. One week in the company of four kids under the age of 12 may just do me in for good. I shall miss you!

And now I leave you with some food for thought:

". . don't get mad and don't cuss a body out mentally or in voice. This brings more poisons than may be created by even taking foods that aren't good. "

(From the Edgar Cayce Readings)


Lisa said...

Have a wonderful time! We'll miss you, and will look forward to many pictures and stories when you return!! Here via michele tonight...

Eddie said...

Have a good time and I'm sure the whole time you will be mentally composing your upcoming blogs.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Have a marvelous time! Enjoy your lovely kids and daughter!

Peter said...

Happy holiday Judy, hope you survive it OK.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a marvelous time, even if you do come home needing a vacation from your vacation. :-)

That's usually an indication of the best ones, you know.

Anonymous said...

Scrolling backward through your posts... I had to laugh at the touchup post about Mr. Kenju's cigars... I have done the same thing when I write about fishing or boating, and hub will come back with an eye roll and complain that I got the facts allll wrong!

I'll definitely look for the giraffe program on Nature! they do have the most interesting documentaries from time to time.

And I hope you return with your sanity intact, and if not.. at least a renewed appreciation for peace and quiet. ;)
Have a wonderful time!

Arethusa said...

Have lots of fun and tell us all about it when you get back.

Pirate said...

Have a great break.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

You rock, Edgar.

Have a great trip, Judy. See you anon.

Unknown said...

Have a nice Holiday Kenju, and thank you for visiting my site. I'll be looking forward to your comments about the trip!

dena said...

Interesting quote. I love Cayce. I keep forgetting you've got something going with the foundation.

goldenlucyd said...

I'm back from my little jaunt with the Grands. Good to go. Good to come home.
Have a safe and wonderful trip. I'm having fun catching up on your posts!

Jamie Dawn said...

Enjoy your trip. I will check back after you return.
I look forward to any pics and stories.

Traci Dolan said...

Hope you survived!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I hope you have a wonderful time Judy and don't get too exhausted! (lol)...I love that Edgar Cayce quote...I must remember that!

When you get back be sure to look up my post for today..April 17th...100 things about me, in honor of my 100th post!

srp said...

Have a good time. Don't get too much sun!

Carolyn said...

Have fun! Look forward to your return and sharing your stories and photos :)

Daisy said...

Have a great time! Enjoy the grandkids!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holiday!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have your work cut out for you! Seriously, enjoy your visit and I look forward to your return, along with blog details. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Four children under 12! You will do just fine. Remember to take deep breaths and not to swear.

I don't know why I said that about swearing because I don't think you do. It is just that when I was teaching, I would occasionaly drop a good swear word or two over the summer and always had to remind myself in September to clean it up because I would be around children.

Have a great time.

poopie said...

Happy vacation Judy!

MaR said...

Enjoy your blog break,Judy. I enjoyed mine. But it is good to be back and to catch up!

vanx said...

I'm too new at this and too compulsive to take a break. It eats up so much time, I may never come back! But you'll be back. I KNOW YOU WILL!!!