I don't know who colorized this, but they did a poor job, in my estimation. The boy in the middle did not have hair the same color as the rocking chair, I am sure.
Check out the fancy neckties.....LOL. Actually, I am surprised that the boys had suit jackets to wear. They lived on a farm and money was not an ample commodity for them.
My aunt's face looks more like a bisque doll than a real person. Perhaps the colorist took some liberties with expressions too.

i love old pictures!
sad story about your cousin and the doc thing just sucks!
here from micheles
A friend of mine is from a family with a huge number of VERY red redheads, including her son. Her husband is also from a family of redheads. They have a bunch of very old photos of ancestors on their walls, and every one that was colorized has redheads with hair just like in your photo. It's hilarious!
Michele sent me.
Even with the colorization this is such a great picture! You feel each one of these children has a story to tell, if only someone would give them permission! Terrific photo, Judy!
I love old pictures of family like this. Attached with an explanation, as you did, they are priceless.
What a great picture-even if it is colorized poorly. I ADORE old photos-have a few on my blog...somewhere lol
Stopped in from Mamacita's but dear, I see your name eveywhere! I had to come and see for myself.
Judythis is another great pic - do you scan them or just take a pic of a pic with your camera?
Here via Michele's tonight but long overdue a visit anyway! Some explanations for my tardiness in pictorial form on our website tonight, cheers!
Nice photo even if photoshop did not do a good job.
Am here from Michele.
Hey Judy...It looks like I skipped you, but I didn't...though I think I got skipped...Heavy Traffic over at Michele's this early A.M.
I bet it was a big deal getting those nice jackets. Probably Sears and Roebuck. Like you said money was different back then. Hi from Michele today!
You aunt's dress is adorable and they did make her look like a doll.
Here via Michele's this time!
Wow! Its still a very neat photo!!
Michelle sent me
She says hi!
The color in the photo does give it a whimsical, Alice in Wonderland quality. Although I'm laughing thinking of a foppish man deciding to use that color on the boy in the middle's hair. "There! Now that's just fantabulous!" he must've thought.
Neat picture. I actually collect old pictures of small children and babies. At some point, I'm going to find a cool, crafty use for them. :)
ahhhh but still a really great image.
Great picture!
Nice, even with the color. The redhead in the middle looks like he's ready to peel off those clothes and go fishin' though, lol!
I don't know. This red looks an awful lot like the red hair my aunt and my dad used to have. Now it's pink. At least what he has is a bit pink or pinkish brown.
I'm having very bad blogger problems and wondered if you've been experiencing them, too?
My newest post keeps getting erased/removed/--I don't know...it is about STAGE...and no comments are registering, either....UGH!
I love the colorization- it's quite exotic! Those ties! Lucky you to have this photo to preserve and the previous ones as well. I think of all my friends in the neighborhood you have the best collections of ephemera that remind us of the past. I always enjoy these posts, Judy. And yes, the neighborhood was on the fritz yesterday.
i think it's kinda cute. the colorization actually made it more interesting. :)
What a great picture. I love the neck wear. I wonder if it was difficult to get the boys to put those on. The red hair is a hoot!
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