has come and gone. I have worked much too hard for a woman my age and I asked myself why. My answer was......"You are never happier than when you are surrounded by fresh flowers and creative people." This year, I worked for a shop I had never been in before; a situation which would ordinarily be frought with the possiblity of disasters. Despite the fact that all but one of their employees have been with them less than a month, it went smashingly well. I am tired; yes, but I have that pleasant tiredness that comes with knowledge that you have done a job well and are appreciated for your efforts. I was not responsible for selling or dealing with customers, but a few times I was called to the front of the shop to see about the possibility of duplicating an arrangement for another customer. Nothing is more satisfying than being able to accommodate a gentleman who is seeking something beautiful to give his lady love, or the "squeeze of the moment". They are so obviously pleased with themselves, and I can only hope that the object of their affections was similarly pleased!
I sincerely hope that all of you received some token of love from your special someone, whether that be a spouse, child, parent or friend. I would like to thank all of you who stopped by here yesterday to wish me and mr. kenju a happy Valentine's Day, especially Michele, who sent hugs (sorely needed too, I might add), and Hoss, who wondered if I received flowers from mr. kenju. The answer is no, of course. He has been forewarned that you do not "carry coals to Newcastle".
I sincerely hope that all of you received some token of love from your special someone, whether that be a spouse, child, parent or friend. I would like to thank all of you who stopped by here yesterday to wish me and mr. kenju a happy Valentine's Day, especially Michele, who sent hugs (sorely needed too, I might add), and Hoss, who wondered if I received flowers from mr. kenju. The answer is no, of course. He has been forewarned that you do not "carry coals to Newcastle".
He gave me a most delicious foot massage last night, which was the very best present I could ever receive. Gerbera Daisy: I held and arranged many of your namesakes in the last 3 days (they are especially cheerful) and to Roxanne (SRP); yes, work is my valentine of sorts. I heard from a friend that some Eastern religions espouse doing everything you do as if you were praying. If truth be known then, my work is my valentine to my fellow man and God.
The photo above is a bridal bouquet from 2005, featuring calla lillies, lily of the valley, bouvardia, tuberoses, freesias and roses.
P.S. Want to read the bst Valentine ever? Go here:
i did receive several sticky albeit wonderful kisses from the monsters. and some really cool cards. i'm glad you got a foot massage! :) i could use one right about now...hmmm....i should hit dc up for one.
hope you had a great cupid day! :)
came 'round via michele's
His "squeeze of the moment" - ha! I haven't heard that term. Cute!
Happy V-Day!
Now, today is your day of R & R. Go treat yourself, you deserve it.
It sounds like you truly love your job! Thats wonderful! I think I would much rather get a foot massage than flowers, too!! I'm glad you had such a great day!!
Are you a freelance florist? Love the photo. I stuck a Valentine label on my husband's car for him to find during the day! Get some rest!
We had great food from those wonderful grandma cooks at the JOY club. They sang love songs including, "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You". Then there was a short video with a singer and his rendition of that all time favorite: "If My Nose Was Running Money, I'd Blow It All On You." Yes, the line "But it's not" was in there too.
Rest and relaxation are the ticket for you today. Enjoy.
I'm glad you were able to find joy in work on such a special day for the Florist industry, Judy. I'm sure it reminds you of days past. Many wifes are in your debt for the beauty you've given them, and their husbands for the grief that you've spared them.
I really enjoyed reading the valentines letter your suggested...how sweet.
I also love the pic of the bouquet...I am getting married this yr so I hope I have a bouquet as lovely.
Sounds like you enjoyed yourself immensely. Work separated hubs and me, but we went out Monday night to a nice dinner. That foot massage should be a welcome gift ;)
I got homemade heart cookies from my MOM :) Yummmm
You had a very satisfying day of work, ending with a very satisfying foot massage.
Mr. Kenju did gooood.
what is that, "bouvardia"? Sounds like some kind of disease.
I went over to read the best valentine. My goodness, it went on forever. But it was forever good.
I got taken out to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. Can't beat that. I see you linked to Kill the Goat. Wasn't that an awesome tribute to his wife?
(BTW, I'd take a good foot rub over a spanking any day.)
I just stopped in to make sure you survived your crazy time. I'm sure your hard work made a lot of people happy this week.
The flower arrangement in the photo is lovely! Lily of the Valley is supposedly the flower of my birthdate. I love the smell.
I'm happy to read that you had a wonderful Valentine's Day... much deserved!
Now, I wish I could put everything on hold to catch up on all your writings since my absence, but that's just not going to happen for me. Perhaps little by little I can pick up some of the pieces. Thanks for hanging in there and visiting me.
Beautiful bouquet!! You used some of my favorites in it!! I miss working with fresh flowers, but when the holidays like Valentines roll around I think, whoa, glad I'm not working!! LOL
I was away from my sweetie for Valentines, so we are going to have a late Valentines this weekend now that I'm back home. Have no clue what he has planned! :)
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