This little beauty was our dog Muffin, about whom I wrote on 9-13-05. She ate a lot of the foods on the "banned" list in the post below, but none of them ever seemed to bother her. I guess she had an iron stomach, seeing as how she also ate leather, wood and cloth. The only thing she ever refused to eat was onions.
A former friend of ours had a dog about half the size of Muffin. Jamie (about 6-7 pounds) would eat anything that wasn't nailed down. The husband was preparing for a trip and packing a suitcase laid out on the bed. He tossed a one pound box of Godiva chocolates on top of the suitcase and left the room. Jamie, ever on the alert for something edible, tore into the box and ate most of that as well as all the chocolates. They thought for certain that Jamie was a goner, and called the vet to explain what had transpired.
The vet recommended giving the dog something (I can't remember what) that was sort of the equivalent to Milk of Magnesia, and said that Jamie may indeed die from eating so much chocolate at one time. Not only did she not die, she thrived and continued to eat odd things.
Another time, Jamie discovered a box sitting on the husband's home office desk, and apparently it smelled pretty good to her, because she tore open the stiff cardboard box (eating much of it in the process) to discover a dozen bottles of tums. Would you believe that she chewed through one of the plastic bottles and consumed more than half of the tums chewables? Well, she did.
She didn't die from that episode either. The vet was certain that much calcium carbonate would constipate the dog so badly that she would die from it, but they administered a mild laxative, and Jamie emerged from that trauma with no lasting effects. I am not sure what she died of, but she lived at least several years after that last escapade.
Muffin has to be one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen !
Michele sent me today.
Amazing stories. I guess dogs are like people. Many of them eat the wrong things and still live to tell about it!
Michele sent me!
Do you think Jamie was part goat? One look at Muffin and I'd spoiled her rotten.
What an oddly tough individual. Perhaps goats and dogs have more in common than commonly believed.
That is one adorable dog! I looked at your list of things dogs shouldn't eat, and my childhood do ate many of those things and lived to be 17 years old. Crazy how these things can work.
Visiting from michele's
Before we all became aware of what dogs and cats aren't supposed to eat, dogs ate pretty much everything including chocolate and survived. I do wonder how much of the 'dog poison' is actually vet-related hype, considering how expensive it is to even walk in the door of the vet's office these days.
Here via Michele.
cool, makes me want to go out and find a dog so i can feed it a lot of stranges things.
Muffin is cute as a button. I end up with dogs that find me. Max would eat most anything if given the chance. My old beagle, Dottie loved M&M's but I found out about the chocolate before it had a chance to hurt her. What we won't do for our dogs and cats.
Muffin was sooooo cute! Daisy is adorable too. I can see why you visit there so much.
"Jamie would eat anything that wasn't nailed down."
Now, do you HAVE to talk about me like THAT?
I guessed the friend in the picture! Hooray for my lucky guess. I picked her because of her smile. She looked like a charmer.
OMG, was she cute! Some dogs just have an iron stomach. Sounds like she was one of them. That kind of pluck is inspirational to the rest of us.
Thanks for posting this. We're still debating The Big Dog Acquisition. This helps immensely.
Muffin was pretty damn adorable, too! Darling dear dog!
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