We were modeling clothing thought to be suitable for high school wear, in preparation for our annual style show for Home Economics classes. It is odd that we wore high heels for the photo shoot because we were not allowed to wear stilettoes at school.
The photo was taken at the old Scott's Drugstore in my home town of Charleston, WV. It is too bad that you cannot see more of the huge white marble soda fountain we were standing in front of; it was an icon in town for many years. The counter was backed by even more massive sections of white marble and a mirror at least 30 feet long. They had old-fashioned telephone booths, where you could make a call in private (don't you wish they would come back for cell-phone users?)
Scott's was the place to go for sodas, milkshakes and more. Marble tile floors, small bistro tables and wire chairs; cool in the summer, a quiet place to sit after a day of shopping, to meet your friends or neighbors, or scope out the newest sundaes and ice cream flavors.
I am second from the right.
Wow...striking! And how do people walk in stilettos anyway? They look great, if you don't move. But I swear I'd break an ankle!
What flair you had! I remember these styles from some of my grandmothers patterns. I found a box of them this summer with old McCalls patterns costing 10 cents. The last time I looked at them they were $16 a pop.
I had trouble with Blogger this evening. After they did maintenance the page to edit posts wouldn't load in Firefox only in Explorer. It took me a while to figure it out so I just finished doing the post go go along with the Front Door. It was/is? both a restaurant with a really great gift shop.
I remember those phone booths. I like your idea for reviving them for cell phone users. I think those soda fountains are due for a comsback. Of course they will be "retro."
Your pictures makes me want a Cherry-Coke from a Coca-Cola glass (bigger at the top than bottom).
And I read someplace in just the past few days that some bars or clubs are having the old fashion telephone booths put in, for private cell-phone conversations.
I'm here from Michele's this morning, although I would have come on my own.
What a wonderful post! I love the dresses, you all look llike models!
Have a great day.
How nice that you have all these memories, not only to tell but paper clippings to share. I love the fifites' fashion. Nice shoes!
What a great photograph Judy...I remember those kinds of dresses...And It'simpossible to believe we all wore those Stiletto Type shoes...Talk about ruining your feet!!! (lol) Only, not really funny...
We had a drugstore like the one you mention...I loved the marble all over the place and the mirrors, too...These stores had a flair that is missing everywhere these days...
The photo could have been from a drugstore in Kansas City, MO, Judy. I don't recall wearing actual "stiletto" heels until a few years later, but when we dressed up in 1956 (I was in college, by then), we did wear 2 7/8" heels that were on the thin side. Wish I had photos of some of the clothes I had back then, but I don't; so, it is good to see yours. You looked great!
Cop Car
Va Va Voom!
That is a great picture. You look so stylish & pretty. The heels showed off your legs. I would have chosen to wear them too.
Old fashioned soda bars are so neat. We went to a refurbished one in Savannah, Georgia that is so neat. There's one near my brother in South Pasadena that serves the best raspberry sodas ever.
How fascinating!! That building is less than a block from me and is now home to a law firm whose co-owner is the brother of one of my bosses. I'll have to take some pictures of it for you.
Cool photo!! Do you know if Scott's still exists? I have a 2-fold reason for asking: It's my hubby's family name (although he isn't from WV) & we are still planning a move to Chas. It would be fun to go there, or perhaps reinvent it :)
Wow, look at those heels. I didn't know you were from West Virginia--I thought you were from way up north before moving to God's country (North Carolina)
The pose you and the others have is the "poise" pose. Most women today wouldn't know what poise meant. Scott's was a nice place. In those days we took such soda palaces for granted. I am glad I was brought up in an era where style, manners, and respect were taught and practiced.
You were about 16 then. Take a look at a 16 year old girl's fashion choices now. It seems that the "slut in training" look is the in thing. Whatever happened to preppy???
I love this photo and it makes me yearn for a sundae.
WooHoo! Look at you sexy young thangs ;)
There are those elegant hands again- such lovely long fingers! Much better looking that your lawn mower mangled toe, which I just voted for. :-)
Ah, home ec. I think I finally turned out one ill fitting full gray wool skirt in the early 60's. Clearly you got further along.
Wow you ladies look fabulous. Don't you wish just a little bit of class would show up in the next generation of kids clothing. What happened?
You were a doll! Very nice.
I remember those old soda fountains so well. Maybe my first "date" was at one. Depends on what counts as a real date. Anyway, a boy asked me to go with him to our local drug store soda fountain and he bought me a cherry coke. *sigh*
it is these types of pictures that have made our parents look older then the 17 or 18 they were.
the era of thw 1950s the kids and younger adults looked older then they were. i wassurprised years later to realize that Lee harvey Oswald was only 23 when he killed JFK. but he looks so much older.
Oh, ok. I got my answer from Inanna's post, Thanks!! :)
Didn't I say this before? :: What happened to phosphates?
You were thinking to yourself..."I can't wait till the West Virginia Surf Report is invented!!!!"
It could have been taken in Youngstown, Ohio, where I graduated in 1957. Of course, you all would have been wearing white bucks instead of high heels, and the skirts would have been form-fitting, with little fake pockets on the hips.
I would have been standing off to one side in jeans, engineer boots and a DA haircut, hoping someone would mistake me for James Dean.
OH cool, I love photos like this one. You looked so elegant in this picture!
And I really love the photos in the post below also. What a gorgeous view you have from both your front and back door. We've also had a mild winter so far, and yes, even in Florida sometimes we get weather that is just warmer than usual. It was 80 here last Sunday and will be in the 40's tonight. crazy stuff.
Hello! Here via Michele's!
I love the photo! My town has a local druggist. While he does not have a soda fountain, he does have a gift shop. I get a nice warm feeling going in there. (Maybe it is because I am usually feverish, picking up meds!)
btw, I just finished Homar Hickam's Coalwood series. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about W. VA. My mom was from Kentucky and it reminded my of all the stories she used to tell.
sometimes I still wish we dressed like that. You all look wonderful.
Awesome memory and wonderful picture.
You see that cup your friend is holding, the one with the silver bottom and the paper cup that fits inside it shaped like a round upside cone? We actually go to a restaurant here in town that still has those cups, and divided plates. It's my DD's favorite place to eat, mostly because it's total 'home cooking' owned by a Greek family for the past 40 years or so, and they scream at each other just like on SNL "Cheeseburger cheeseburger". It's like a floor show.
Michele sent me
Ah, I love the fashions from the '50s, I was born fifteen years too soon - oh, to have been 16 in 1956! But then again my MOM was 16 then! LOL! I got to wear the latest toddler fashions as I came along in 1957, but hey!
What memories you have brought back for me. My home economics class had a style show of dresses that we made. Mine was pink check with large black polka-dots. I must have looked like a 1950's version of Daisy Mae (in long skirt)
I love how all of your FEET are in the same position!!!! Too cute.
This brings back memories. Those pointed-toe shoes with the thin, high heels we wore! I couldn't do it now for anything. Wish my waist were still that small.
Well' I'll be! I was in Scott's once or twice that I can recall - maybe in 54 or 55 - not sure. Of course I was only 6 or 7 at the time> Thanks for the peek back to a simpler and better time.
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