Needless to say, it is one of my favorites! I think the face looks like one of the little girls in the cartoon "Peanuts". She probably wanted it to look like her, but she is much prettier than this!
I keep an "art box" for my grandchildren; consisting of paper, felt pens, crayons, tape, scissors, old greeting cards, stickers and anything else I can find that might be incorporated into a piece of art. It is the first thing they head for when they come to visit. Hours are spent in drawing, cutting and pasting, and the boys make models of airplanes, boats, cars, etc. to their heart's content.
Yes, it makes a mess in the kitchen (or my office) but the enjoyment they get from expressing their creativity is worth every scrap of paper on the floor and every roll of scotch tape emptied. The best part is that I get new artworks for my fridge or bulletin board - and keepsakes worth saving for a lifetime!

Wonderful paper fan, Judy. Such artistic items are worth a little mess in the kitchen or elsewhere when those little dear people are being creative. I have framed a picture of us two our son painted when he was in Kindergarten, it means more to me than a Picasso would!
Ji Judy..
I think it's wonderful that you have that box for your granchildren to ceate art with and the fact that they run to it as soon as they come to your house it proof that given the fun tools to 'play' with, kids will do that every time!! Really cool, Judy...Really Really Cool!
Excellent! I can see why they love to visit!
What an adorable fan. I'm sure you treasure it.
My mom keeps an "art box" of sorts for all of the grandkids as well. It keeps them entertained for hours.
It does look like a Peanuts character! My fridge is covered too- gotta love it :)
That's the most special fan you own!!
Kids just love being creative, and I'm sure the freedom they have at grandma's house is something they really enjoy. I used to keep lots of stickers too, and my kids loved making cards for us, their grandparents and friends.
I'm not usually into kid-art, Judy, but I really like that fan. There's just something about the expression on the face...
Lucky you- grandchildren. huh! And this is clearly the best fan yet. :-)
What a great fan!!! I was thinking it looked like Peppermint Patty before I read your comment about Peanuts. We had an art box in the kitchen all the years Nyssa was growing up. She and her friends would head there first and start drawing and gluing and cutting. Much better than TV.
Awww....I love the fan. Grandkids are the best thing that can happen to a person.
Precious! It does look like the Peanuts genre. You're a great grandmom to keep those materials acccessible and not worry about the mess.
For years, as a mom, I kept an "art table" in our den, as an extension of our kitchen table (so we could eat because the projects for my daughters lasted a long time). Our oldest is now in the honors program at art college.
Our youngest is also artistic, but even if one doesn't pursue it as a career, art is a terrific expression for anyone of all ages. I teach art and arts and crafts to all ages. For their art table, though, they were mostly left to their own devices. They loved creating and talking or being together as they did so. (They are only 2 1/2 yrs apart.)
That's the most precious fan of all that you've shown. :)
and every scap of art, be it the crayon self portrait she made it kindergarten or the macronic shell picture frame with a photo of the little precioius in a brownie uniform, is saved from day one for ever and ever. you and my wife....
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