Hey, wait just a darn minute!
Should I be happy to have won a contest where the winner has the most disgusting injury?
(And I know only women were in on it - so hush!)
Somehow, I'm not certain that is anything to wish for.
I have a big toe less 1/4th and that is something to shoot for?
An ugly appendage with a thick toenail that ingrows on the opposite side they usually do?
A toenail that looks ugly no matter what color of polish you put on it.....even Opi's "I'm Not A Waitress"!
I think not.
Give me my money back, please!
And you decided toenter that contest for... WHAT reason, again??
Oh- my heartfelt congratulations to you, Kenju. I do believe you are the most deserved of this first place award. Your succinct and yet compelling description of your mower mangled, wart ridden foot led me to believe that you suffered mightily. Why, I voted for you! My injury is already on the mend and it’s only been a few days- no way could I have eeked weeks of pain and suffering out of this, even if it is still seeping, raw and painful. A tip o’ the hat to you, Judy!
pardon me while I hobble off to bed to nurse my
wound (s)…
1/4th of your toe is gone? I missed that part. And what, pray tell, is 1/4th? :-)
Poor Vicki! You are a worthy runner-up, my friend. I will wish you a pain-killer haze to carry you through!
You poor thing. Not to make you feel bad but I am seriously just about to go paint my toenails. Sorry :( Michele sent me tonight.
How sad, I can't share in the comradery of a funny physiological feature. I shall vicariously live through you all.
now i'm thinking of that old joke with the punch line, "WOULD I, WOULD I? . . . HUMP BACK, HUMP BACK
luckily Michele saw to it that i didn't miss this post
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