"Think clearly, Decide Wisely".
Right: Another baby and child fan, No. 729-Playtime Mother. This one has half of the artist's signature on it:
....rlotte ........cker.
I Googled Charlotte Tucker, Packer and Hacker and didn't find any of them to be an artist. The reverse advertises Haines Shoe Stores, purported to be the largest chain of shoe stores in America owned by an individual! Their main slogan was "Hoof-to-hoof and that's no bull!" The lower right hand corner slogan reads..."It pays to find us as we save you 25 cents to $2.00 a pair on your shoes". Makes me wonder what the shoes cost back then if savings of 25 cents was considered big money!

Uh oh. I thought Michele sent me. I shall go back and check.
Anyway, I love these fans!
wow what nice fans. Michele sent me.......
They are lovely...Took me to another world...
Thanks for all your support Kenju,
I'm not a collector, but I really enjoy seeing what others collect. Thanks for sharing those lovely fans.
Michele sent me . . .
They are indeed, lovely.
I think I've seen that cottage picture somewhere before. It has unusual perspective. I can't remember whether it was a biscuit tin or a jigsaw puzzle...
Here today via Michele's.
Love these fans, too Judy! Yes indeed, that could be a cottage in the cotswolds!! (lol).
These are so very artfully done...they are just beautiful...Oh dear. Each time I see more of these wonderful fans I think...I would love to find a fan like this, too! Thanks for the beginning of a new addiction! More more more! (lol)
Here from Michele where I saw you said you were skipped over, so..though I would have visited anyway,later.... I came to see you, rigtnow.
I remember back when having a nickel was a big deal; I never owned a 25-cent piece until I was about 12.
Hi, Michele sent me.
Beautiful fans - I remember desperately wanting to own one when I was a child.
wow! what a wonderful collection you have. beats my frogs hands down because yours appreciate over time. thanks for sharing them. :)
I love the baby and child fan. So sweet.
Thanks so much for sharing your collection with us. It's incredibly enchanting.
Back in June 2005, before I found you or you found me, I posted about places I was going to take my sister Bonnie when she came to visit. I took her to a Shoe House about an hour away from me. It was built by Haines. He was quite a character. I love the house.
Check out the house here: http://www.jarrettsville.org/family/shoehouse.htm
Hi just checking things out. Visited via Michele's. I doubt you are far from me. I'm right over the VA line. I recently moved from Mount Airy. Loved your story about your husband's hearing.
More great fans. Isn't it amazing what becomes collectable? We should have kept all those LIFE magazines and fans and those little tin banks they made.
Back from a fun day with the Nyssa. It was cool but beautiful. Pictures later.
What a great thing to collect. I love old advertisements. I'm old enough to remember fans being given out at certain stores and funeral homes. That Hoof-to-hoof one is wonderful.
Try Charlotte Becker.
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