Monday, April 15, 2024

My New Garden

 The last post was about the tear out and replanting of my  front garden. This is an update.

The tree is growing and leafing out:   

The rose bush I was worried about losing has resurrected itself and sent up shoots to announce its impending arrival:   

The peony  shoot has turned into 5-6 different shoots and now, I will have to move one of the camellias out of the way, to make room for them:

Liriope lines the walkway on both sides.....much better than the scratchy low-growing evergreen that was there before! 

Spring always gets me thinking about planting and transplanting. I bought a beautiful red begonia (half-price at Lowe's)...

I'm not sure why it was on the sale table; it looks great as it is. 

and my croton, which is at least 14 years old and has never been put into a larger pot. Also, the croton has been inside the house all that time;never getting enough sun, and it has lost all its bright color because of it.  I am hoping that after being outside for a while, it will start to gain color again.  Here is what it should resemble: 

My latest house guest, Jim's cousin Robin, gave me a basket of beautiful blue hydrangeas. I have decided to put two of them in pots by the front entry, and one will go in the back garden, near the sun-room door.  Here are the pots I bought for them, at Home Goods. I decided on pots because if they get too much sun in the front, they can be moved to a shadier location easily. 

Robin, I hope you approve! Here is a pic of the hydrangeas in the basket:

I think they will look great in the white pots!

I didn't mention, in the earlier post, that the back garden area, though very small, has been partially redone as well. The gardener put in day lilies, and you can see that they are already setting buds (after just one month in place):

The next plants are something I'd never heard of before....loropetalum, alias Chinese fringe flower: 

Here''s what Mr. Google has to say about them:

My red climbing rose, the one that usually puts on a gorgeous show every spring, but not this year since it was severely pruned, has spun off a baby!  Apparently, it like being pruned.  Who knew?  

I cannot wait until they bloom next year!

Lastly, my wind chime, that was given to me my our Best Man, Matron of Honor and their daughter, right after Jim died.....continues to remind me of Jim and all of them. It hangs in the crape myrtle outside my bedroom window.  It's quiet today.....but when it rocks back and forth and chimes riotously, I know who's ringing my bell!


  1. A delightful post. I need to grow more flowers. After all, if I grow any more tomatoes, people will start calling me Del Monte.

  2. AH, but Jeff, the tomatoes give you beauty AND sustenance, and my flowers are so short-lived. I fully meant to plant a barrel of tomatoes this year, but it hasn't happened. There is always next spring!

  3. I am not a gardener but my daughter is. However, she has planted all kinds of things that take years to become productive. It drives me crazy because I am very impatient.


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