Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Pause in the Biltmore tales, to tell you about movies.....

I have seen three movies this weekend. Listing them in my order of choice:

#1, is The Holdovers, which has been in theaters, and is now streaming on Peacock. The story is about an aging teacher at a boys boarding school in Massachusetts. The "holdovers" refers to the boys who cannot go home for Christmas (for one reason or another) and the teacher who has to stay with them at the school. Paul Giamatti is the teacher, and since he is always a terrific actor, he does the part justice. Others prominent in the movie are Da'vine Joy Randolph, whom I have not seen in another role, but she is wonderful in this one. she plays the school cook. The boy we see on screen more than any other is Dominic Sessa. 

 I don't want to tell you more about the story because I am hoping that you will
search out a way to see it on your own. Believe me, it is worth the time. 

# 2:  A documentary about Bill Cunningham, who was a NY Times photographer for over 30 years, taking photos of people in the streets, showing the fashions of the day and new trends.  He was a fascinating character, and he knew everyone in the fashion industry, as well as all the prominent photographers of the day. You can find the link to this documentary up above when you click on his name. This one is also worth your time. He was a kind man, who lived very frugally (which is hard in NYC), sought to hurt no one, and he had a spark about him that seemingly fired up everyone he met.

#3:  Eat, Pray, Love, which was filmed in 2010, so it's an oldie. I had read the book
by Elizabeth Gilbert, but somehow the movie had eluded me until it was playing this weekend at our neighborhood clubhouse. I was happy that I went to see it on Saturday. Some of the scenery is so lovely, especially in Italy and Bali.  

I don't usually see so many movies in a short time, but I recommend all three of these, if you have the time and interest.

One reason I have not posted much lately is that my fingernails have gotten so long that it is hard to type without errors; indeed, I spent most of the time doing this post by correcting errors and it is infuriating!  Abut 6 months ago, my daughter recommended that I get "dip" nails, as they help with brittle, easily broken nails. I love the dip nails, but now, they are growing so well and so rapidly that I need to trim them very 2-3 weeks. I cannot afford to go to the salon that often, so they get too long very quickly.  

1 comment:

  1. I watch so few movies these days... I've read "Eat, Pray, and Love" but didn't see the movie (and didn't really care for the book).


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