Saturday, July 22, 2023

Trivia Night at our clubhouse

 As many of you no doubt know, I live in a 55+ community. We have a wonderful clubhouse with all sorts of things to do. A few years ago, some people formed a trivia club. About twice a year they have a trivia night. Tonight was one... You enter and after paying your $2.00 entry fee, you pick a card to choose a table number. I chose table 3, but when I entered the room, I mistook the table number and sat down at Table 5. I knew a few people at that table, so I felt comfortable there. But soon, I was made to move to table 3. I had neighbors at that table too, so I enjoyed being with them, and met 3 other new people. 

The trivia tonight was based on a game show similar to "Family Feud", where you are asked to guess what 100 other people said to certain questions. I think it is called "America Says....", but I have never seen it.  

Long story short..... our table won the first prize! Since everyone who enters pays $2, a sizable purse develops. The prize amounts for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes are determined by how many people attend.  Tonight, we had 14 tables of 6 (mostly)...about 84 people. 

Every one at our table received $ we each made $8, and we had a lot of fun!  I did get upset once, when the category was "horses" and we were supposed to come up with the words that made us think of horses (each starting with a certain letter.) I had said the answer to the letter "C" was cowboys, but I was voted down and they put another answer on that line.  They were wrong!

But we still won first place, so I guess it didn't matter.  YAY!


  1. That sounds like so much fun and a great way to get to know your neighbors. I miss our former neighbors so much. We would all get together for such activities, and we had so much fun. They have either passed away or moved away and I'm the only one left now.

  2. Please tell us what the correct word was for horses.

  3. It was cowboys, just as I had said. I was a bit miffed when they put another word for "C", but the woman who had written it said "Remember, we are having fun!It doesn't matter that we put the wrong word down." I didn't answer her, but I wanted to say, "It might not matter to you, but it does to me. I get very competitive at trivia!!

  4. I would have been miffed as well. Competitive person too.


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