Friday, June 09, 2023

A Trip to Virginia Beach and Richmond

 Last weekend, my baby daughter and I went to Virginia Beach for a very short trip. The Cavalier Hotel, a landmark up on a hill at the beach, had been remodeled and we wanted to see it as well as the new Marriott on the beach across the street from the Cavalier. 

My husband's aunt and uncle used to take him and his brother to the Cavalier in the 1940's, when he was 5-6-7 years old. It was quite fancy back then, and even better now. The new beach hotel is very nice; our room was terrific and the balcony great (over looking the water), but the outdoors around it was wonderful. An infinity pool, with chaises in the water, easy access to the beach on a sloping concrete ramp, and the sand is packed tightly so that it is easy to walk on to get to the water. There are "clamshells" with 2 chaises for use by hotel guests.  They also have an indoor pool. I didn't see a hot tub, and that was the only minus I'd give them. The flowers surrounding both hotels were lush and colorful and varied. I'll show pics later in this post.  

When the old Cavalier was open, they had a pavillion on the beach, with a bar and wooden dance floor. I remember dancing there in the 60's, but by that time, the floor was damaged and had holes in it.  Their history reports that at one time, the Cavalier was the largest user of Big Bands in the east; all the big names played there, and it WAS the place to be in the late 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's. Then other high-rise hotels started to spring up and the Cavalier went down in looks and service. The "new", remodeled one mimics the glamour of the early days, although the section on the beach is considerably smaller and has no dance floor, that I could see.  

Below is the pool at the Marriott.  It was too cool to get in. 

The view from our balcony, looking back to the Cavalier.

The view to the beach from our balcony.

Below is the beach area for the Cavalier.

Beach access...easy to navigate...

The full moon, from the far eastern end of Virginia Beach. 

My breakfast:  eggs Benedict with tri-color roasted potatoes!

Hydrangeas on the front of the hotel, on the beach.


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