Sunday, December 26, 2021

One of the Best - Part Two

 Christmas Day was quiet.....and then not.  But I loved it anyway. I baked a small turkey breast; I was supposed to remove it from the oven after 3 hours. If my daughter had not texted me, it would have been burned beyond recognition. I had fallen asleep. Luckily, I was able to rescue it before disaster struck. I had texted her earlier, to ask if they had any mashed potatoes. She answered no, and then later asked if my turkey was for everyone. She said they could bring ham and suddenly a quiet dinner for 2 became dinner for 6 - and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Our grandson who is studying and teaching in NYC flew home at noon on Christmas. So it was a treat to see him, my two girls, one granddaughter and her boyfriend. We ate ham, turkey, dressing, gravy,  green beans and cranberry sauce. My granddaughter had made 2 pans of cinnamon rolls (from scratch) and she baked them while we were eating.  Suffice it to say they were Heaven on a plate!! Never have I had a cinnamon roll that good (and I hope it won't be the last.)

After dinner, we visited for a bit and then they left to see a movie. I have to repeat; this has been one of our best Christmases ever, despite Covid and the worst two years of our lives. However, I have to quit eating like this!  I gained 2 pounds in one day!

Again, I hope your Christmas was merry and bright, and that you will have a smashing year in 2022!!


  1. Oh that does sound delightful Judy. So glad you had such a wonderful Christmas.

  2. The same to the two of you. Love, Ginnie


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