Sunday, October 31, 2021

Believe it..... I'm 81.

 Yesterday was my birthday....I don't feel 81, but as I've said, the mirror belies it. I never expected to live this long. But as a magnet I once owned said "The meaner you are, the longer God lets you live." Maybe that's why I'm still here. There are some who might agree.

My adoptive mom died at 77 of gallbladder disease. She waited 5 years to have the surgery that was advised to her - and it led to her early demise. Let that be a lesson to you: If a doctor says you need to have gallbladder surgery - don't delay. The toxins that build up in your body affect every organ, eventually, and your body cannot withstand that forever. My adoptive father died at 91. He never had anything seriously wrong with him except COPD. He worked at Union Carbide and smoked unfiltered cigarettes for many years, inhaling all manner of bad chemicals.  

My birth mother lived to be 85. I don't want to predict that I will too - but I hope I do - and beyond. I'd like to have a great grandchild before I go, but as none of my grandkids is married, I don't know when that will happen. My birth father died at age 52, of cancer; first the lungs and then the brain. I thank God I have (so far) not had any similar problems. 

I'd like to think I have genes that will lead me to a longer and healthy life. Except for open heart surgery at 74, to correct a congenital heart valve problem, I've had nothing serious to mar my health record. Considering that I smoked 2 packs a day for 23 years, I guess I escaped the dogcatcher (as mom would say). I am very grateful that I was able to stop smoking cold-turkey when I was 38, and I do wish I had never started that filthy, expensive habit.  

Getting older has its challenges.....but all in beats the alternative.  I wish all of you good health and contentment for as long as you live. Thanks for reading....


  1. Happy Birthday Judy. Just a child at 81:) Got ya by a year. So glad you are enjoying good health and it looks like you should outlive your parents. Keep that good health going and hope that great grandchild is in your future.

  2. Happy belated birthday !!

  3. Happy birthday, Judy! You certainly don't look 81. But then, I don't feel I'm almost old enough for medicare, either.

  4. I will easily make it over 100 if the meaner one is predicts their longevity.


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