Wednesday, August 19, 2020

It Has Been Over a Month.....

  •  since my last post.  We are staying home as much as possible; trying to stay healthy, since both of us have other health issues that would make covid-19 difficult, if not deadly.
But we have some good news:  our daughter who lived an hour south of us has sold her home there and bought one here - only a mile from us!! Also, her daughter, who is studying at UNC-G, decided to move home, since all classes are on-line this year. We are so pleased to have them both nearby!! 

Granddaughter came this morning and brought blueberry muffins for breakfast. It was a real treat and we enjoyed them - and her! 

My physical therapist  (for Achilles tendonitis) has told me to come once every two weeks, which is a boon, I guess.....certainly to my checkbook......if nothing else.  I was going twice a week for about a month. As long as I remember to do my exercises regularly, I should be okay. It is nice to be able to walk without pain, at least most of the time.

We have been binge-watching "West Wing", which we never watched when it was on regular tv. What a great show it is!  I will have withdrawal pains when we reach the end. 

I hope you are yours are staying healthy and wearing your masks!! See you back here before too long!


  1. Wonderful to have family nearby! I love "West Wing" watched again recently. Wish that was our White House. :-) Wearing our masks and I bought more more the grandkids.

  2. Looks like you are getting some nice company to help with the isolation. Nothing like nearby family to take the sting out of this Covid stuff. Glad you are getting a break also on the therapy. Keep up the good work.

  3. So nice to have family close by I know you will enjoy seeing them regularly! Glad to hear you are both staying healthy. We are staying close to home as well.

  4. I may have to check out West Wing. Been looking for a show to binge on during this quarantine. 7 seasons.

  5. Please visit
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