Friday, December 20, 2019

Home Again, Home Again.....Jiggety Jig

Jim left the second rehab place on 11-1 and he was at home for 5 weeks. Then he developed a fever of 102* and it was obvious he had a UTI and needed we called EMS and they took him to a hospital ER.....and after testing, he was taken to Wake Med in Cary. 

He was there for 10 days and then taken to Hillcrest Rehab in Durham. As luck would have it, one of his good friends was there also and he enjoyed a long conversation with him, but that guy left the next day to go to surgery for his hip. Jim's room there was much smaller than any of the others he's been in since July 25th....with only one chair and not much standing room. It wasn't conducive to company at all. It is no wonder that he was champing at the bit to come home. He wants to take up where he left off with home health physical therapy, which has been very good for him. 

He will come home this morning, and I am very happy about that - and so, of course, is he. Keep good thoughts for the future....we need help.

He's here!  And he is very happy about that.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judy: I wondered what was happening and am so glad that Jim is home. You are both in my thoughts and I will send good wishes and pray that it will be a good new year. So happy that Jim will be home for Christmas. Sending love to you both. Ginnie


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