Thursday, November 21, 2019

Our New Normal

Jim had a doctor's appointment this morning, one that was made six months ago, before all the recent trouble. It is a "new" doctor (to us)....his regular doc, the one who he had for the twelve years after his stroke, had quit the practice and moved to a new one at the end of last year. We had only seen this doc once, back in May. 

God forbid we ever make another appointment for 8:40 a.m., especially before Jim is able to walk again. We had to hire a wheelchair transport van and they wanted to pick him up at 7:30 a.m. I wanted to get up at 6:15, but I didn't hear the alarm until 6:30, which made us have a late start getting ready. It was stressful...but we got him ready to go by 7:15. I wish I could sleep in my hearing aids...

I drove my car to the doctor's office, as I had an appointment for a haircut at 10 a.m. When we were done at the doc's, I left and the driver of the van was called to come back. She said to give her 20 minutes for the pickup.

I got my haircut and started the trek home. I texted my daughter, who was with her dad, and they were still waiting for the van. Luckily, another van from the same company was driving around the parking lot of the doc's office, so they got him to drive them back home, albeit an hour late.   We don't know what happened to the original van driver.  But it is scary to think what might have happened if the second guy had not been in the area. I hate to think we have to rely on that company for the duration. Jim can't get into my van because it is too high off the ground. We may have to buy a new car and I am not looking forward to that!


  1. Sorry to hear about Jim. Wishing him to be well soon. (((hugs)))

  2. Not fun Judy. Thank goodness Jim is well enough to get out but what a hassle. I hope that you and yours will have a good Thanksgiving. Sending hugs, Ginnie

  3. Good Evening Judy,
    You may remember our exchange on "TimeGoesBy" a while back and talking about the leg brace. I just many others there you have your own Blog. Amazing to a "cyber-weenie" like me, and I hope it is OK for me to comment here.
    Your title on last Thursday's entry caught my attention because I was an adviser to new mothers for many years. I used variations of it so many times. When the weary or frightened young Moms would ask, "When will my life get back to 'normal'?" I tried to lighten my comments with a bit of humor by telling them "Once you decide to have kids, dear one, there is no 'normal' ". Sometimes it helped, I hope.
    I took care of my husband for 7 years at home and 2 in a hospice hospital, and I have such an aching empathy for you now. One of the neurologists we saw took me aside as we were leaving and said softly, "The only thing that is going to change for you is your definition of a good or bad day". It was my "new normal"....but hearing it voiced out loud by a kindly Dr. was oddly helpful.
    My main reason for writing is about your car dilemma. Getting a wheelchair into the back of our small Honda by myself was daunting and I was damaging the paint. Long story-short version, I found a Honda CRV which has a trunk opening that goes straight up. I learned (in 2008) it was the only passenger car around with 90 degree opening of passenger doors. It was a blessing. I could get the wheel chair close and my 6'2'' husband could get in, and more importantly, the seats were higher than our sedan so he could get into the wheelchair easily. Just an idea that may help. I still have that car, and now at 82, am grateful for the ease it gives these old joints in getting opposed to'bucket' type seats. You have my email address. Please feel free to use it. I'm nearly "the last man standing" in my small group of old friends, so new ones are truly welcome.

    Take care of the care-giver, Judy, it is important.
    Warm regards, Charlene.

  4. Hi Judy: I'm a little worried. I was hoping to hear how your Thanksgiving was and hope that Jim was well enough to partake. I think of you both often. Hugs, Ginnie


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