Sunday, November 10, 2019

Laundry and Dishes and Moving*....Oh, My!

During the time that Jim was in the hospital and rehab, I did not cook anything more than eggs for myself and once in a while, one of my kids. Consequently, there was no need to run the dishwasher more than once a week - and that was mostly for silverware. Well, now that he is home, it is a much different story. Cooking has begun again; as complex as ever, and dishes and pots and pans pile up at an astonishing rate. Also piling up are grocery receipts, and due to rising prices.....they are higher than ever (pun intended.)

As you may know if you have ever cared for an invalid, laundry requires your rapt attention. It seems as though every towel and washcloth we own has been washed at least 3-4 times since Nov. 1st. And his bed sheets, pillowcases and mattress cover too. When we got the new bed, I ordered a set of sheets to fit, and now I know I should have ordered 2 sets, at the very least. It is too bad that I got rid of 4-5 sets of twin-size sheets when we moved, thinking I'd never have twin beds again. Never say never!

As for moving*, it isn't us, but my next door neighbor. When we moved in here, nearly 4 years ago, I didn't meet that neighbor for 3-4 months, and then one day, we both drove up in our driveways at the same time. I took that opportunity to walk over and introduce myself. She seemed very nice, although she didn't suggest we get together.  Jim kept threatening to go knock on her door and introduce himself, but he never did it, of course. About 2 months later, I saw her again at a luncheon. We sat side by side and I learned a bit about her; she was an artist and she spent nearly all of everyday away from the house in painting classes and workshops. I could have gotten to know her if I had gone to the local artist's group in our clubhouse...but they meet on Thursdays....which have turned out to be just about my only free day during the week. I didn't want to obligate myself to be gone on Thursdays as well, so I never went to a meeting. 

About a week before Jim went to the hospital, I got a call from the local TIP (Thriving in Place) a group here in our neighborhood to whom you can go for help if you are sick or infirm and unable to do for yourself. Nancy had hurt her back and was then bedridden. They were seeking meals delivered to her home for the time being. I signed up to take her a meal the following week, and then, as luck would have it, Jim was taken to Duke Hospital and I had to beg out of my commitment. As the weeks wore on, I saw,  on occasion, a person delivering food to Nancy. I had intentions of sending her a get well card, but as I spent nearly all day at the hospital or rehab....I never got around to it. I regret that now.

Yesterday, my daughter came over and said "Your neighbor's belongings are all out on her driveway." I looked and boxes were stacked and being placed on a truck.  I assume that Nancy has moved to a nursing home, although I don't know for certain. I feel bad(ly) for not getting to know Nancy, but I hope someone has told her what is going on here, so she will know I was otherwise engaged.  


  1. I forgot to mention: Our houses are about 6 feet apart. Nancy's bathroom light stayed on every night for nearly 4 years, and acted as a night-light for me in my bathroom. Last night was the first time that light wasn't on, and I oddly enough, missed it.

  2. When my grandmother stayed with our family, a last ditch effort to keep her out of a nursing home, most of what I did for my Mom was laundry and cleaning the bathroom and kitchen, never ending. It was an eye opener how much laundry happened.

    I hope neighbor Nancy is in a good place.

  3. I sure she's OK too. Sometimes. the starts just don't align.

    Glad Jim is home, but not that your workload has increased!


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