Saturday, October 12, 2019

One of those Axe-murderers is at it again....

Of course, I am referring to people on the internet - as named by my children. I am not supposed to give any information (especially personal) to anyone on the web, for any reason. 

Well, when someone offers to make something for you - they need your address so they can send it - don't they?  I got another chastisement today, after showing them a pic of the wonderful blanket that Star Foster made for me, after I complimented her on the one she made for her cute granddaughter! Somehow, they think I will give my address to a "bad actor" and get killed or robbed for my lack of wisdom.

I have given my address to about 5 different people from the web, over the years, and no one has done away with me or robbed me yet. I do have some discernment about those to whom I am giving it.  Only people with whom I have had years of contact! And for that, I have had lovely holiday cards, nice letters, cornbread mix, origami trees, felted acorns, and house-slippers. Some of them have had meals in my home and I in theirs.

Star has been a blog-friend and now Facebook friend, as well as a dedicated Scrabbler and Words with Friends player. I have seen many pics of her lovely family and grandchildren and I feel certain I can say there is not an axe-murderer among them! Here is the wonderful blanket.....I have been enamored of all things Egyptian for over 60 years. This symbol is The Eye of Horus, and I could not be more pleased!

Thank you, Star, for what must have been a labor of love. I am forever in your debt!


  1. As I was crocheting I was thinking about how long we have “ known” each other.. I know it was before my oldest grandson was born, so, better than 15 years ! Can you believe it.”? This weekend, Facebook friends I have never physically met, from Australia, are coming to stay at our house. I hope they are not axe murderers.

  2. Yes, I do believe it - but It his hard to imagine that long! I am going to put a check in the mail on Monday, and I will send a pic to you when I write it.

  3. Good for you Judy. I can't say I've had the same experience but whenever I get calls from organizations looking for $$ I do the old "blame it on my children thing. I say "I would love to contribute but my children won't let me and they control my money."


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