Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Oh, Look......A Creek!

where none ever existed before, courtesy of Alberto. We also lost a tree which we didn't know was rotten enough inside to make it fall like this. Mr. kenju heard a huge "whump" and on investigation, saw this very tall tree laying in the woods. Thank heaven it didn't fall on the house! What you see in thse photos is just about half of the tree.

This is in our back yard. The water follows a path through the woods on the high side of the property, flows across our lot and into our neighbor's yard, which is a good bit lower than ours. Her whole front yard and driveway are completely flooded now. Poor girl just finished planting a great garden, too. I would love having a creek like this, well, maybe not this fast flowing, but a nice, lazy creek. Too bad it only comes when there are hurricanes to deal with!

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  1. Wow. incredible (and beautiful at the same time) photos. Glad you stayed safe!

  2. Good Lord! So much damage in the wake of Alberto! As you said it would be nice to have a creek like this but not to get it this way! You have such beauty surrounding you Judy...I love that 'the woods' are right there! Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Very nice creek. Back in the Midwest, we pronounced that "crik" to rhyme with "brick".

  4. Wow, you all got severe enough storms from Alberto to do that? We haven't received a drop!
    Beautiful pics!
    I'm feelin in my bones that this hurricane season is going to really affect us...I've got the urge to stock up on water and stuff...which is not like me at all!

  5. It’s amazing how arbitrary nature can seem to be at times.

    Glad to hear that despite the storm you are all okay.

  6. Yep Kenju, fer shur the crick done rose. Beautiful certainly but a bit unnerving so early in the season.
    And oh, what a magnificent backyard!

    PS I always enjoy sharing your sheet music. Thanks, dear.

  7. Yikes! My road looks like that every time there's a heavy rain. I just plow on through.

  8. Wow, great photos, though I'm sorry for the damage!! Alberto didn't send anything but alittle rain our way! Thank heaven!

  9. Glad you're okay up there. Love your back yard....really pretty. Creek and all. But shame on Alberto...I told him to behave himself when he left here and headed up your way. Guess he wasn't listening.

  10. Keep dry. Wow! That really is a creek! Hasn't the rain been something today. It has finally tapered off here in Va Bch.
    It looks like we got at least three to four inches.

  11. Kenju Creek. I guess that's better than Lake Kenju. I'm glad your house hasn't been affected. I'm on a slope fortunately, so the water just runs right on by.

  12. I am glad to hear that you and your family are okay!

    Your backyard is so green and luxurious! You have many beautiful trees!

  13. My girlfriend lives near you and her yard had all the pine straw scoured away by the rain and slight flooding. It was a lot milder over here on the West side of RTP, Judy. I'm glad that tree falling wasn't a problem.

    Have a great trip!

  14. Hey! Did you just answer the age-old question about a tree that falls in the forest when no one's around? It DOES make a sound, huh?

  15. Amazing backyard, Judy! Lucky you.

    It's darned good that tree didn't fall on the house - also pretty good it didn't fall on a person!

    My mom's yard had a babbling brook way down back and I miss that so much. I always wanted a yard with some sort of water out back, so I really lucked out living on a large pond!


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