Thursday, June 01, 2006

Odds and Ends

Click to enlarge.

Seen on a car bumper recently:

"Bring Back Monica Lewinsky"

Apparently for some, that fiasco is preferable to the one in which we find ourselves today.


A simple dessert of chocolate fudge squares makes even a mundane meal of leftovers seem like manna from Heaven!

"For mind is the builder and that which we think upon may become crimes or miracles. For thoughts are things and as their currents run through an entity's experience these become either barriers or steppingstones"

From the Edgar Cayce Readings


  1. Zits hit the nail on the head.

  2. Very funny the Blog's Joke! Hilarious! Lol!

  3. Love the cartoon. Hitting the sac right now, to get up around midnight and try to be on the road by 2 or 2:30. Will have a couple of things posted and I have one ready, Nyssa is coming to take care of things and I hope she will just hit the post button for me. See ya.

  4. Where's MY choco fudge squares?
    You mean you didn't save me a couple????

  5. Poor Monica. She's still the butt of jokes how many years later? And how many more to come?

  6. Hubby and I were just discussing how Clinton was close to impeachment over "getting some" in the oval office, yet no one is trying to impreach a man who has committed horrendous crimes. I don't get it.
    And an interesting side note (for me anyway) looking at the cute sharpai pic...I am looking for a new puppy, saw the pound had a sharpai, looked up what type of personalities they have...seems they aren't great pets! Can't always tell a book by its cover I guess? lol

  7. *snort* It puts it all in perspective doesn't it?

  8. Loved Zits! I find myself more and more thinking in blog mode.

  9. The Zits cartoon is great. I've had that same thought so many times when I've told myself "I can't wait to put that on my blog". Kinda silly of me but...

    My Mom absolutely hates Clinton and despite all the crap from the current and unfortunate Oval Office resident she still thinks Clinton was the worse of the two. I guess screwing one (homely) intern is a lot worse than screwing the entire country! LOL

    On the other hand, chocolate is always good. Mmmm.

  10. Oops! I forgot to say that Michele sent me this time, Judy. She did, you know.

  11. Hi Judy

    I'm back in business and playing ketcup with my buddies.

    I love "Zits" and I remeber seeing that cartoon and thinking "that's a real funny one.


  12. I don's miss Monica, but I do miss Bill. More than I ever imagined I could.


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