Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My Wonderful Afternoon

Mr. kenju and I were treated to a visit Sunday from two of our children, their spouses and our six bio-grandchildren. We sat on the deck and watched the children play in the pool, which has only reached a temperature of 75* at this point. We don't know how they are able to stand the cold! It doesn't seem to faze them, though, and they play sailboat and pirate and build poolside slides from the floats and noodles.

After dinner, we were treated to a "performance" of American Idol. One of the boys was "Ryan Seacrest", and did all the announcing, while 3 of the girls took turns sitting on the couch, pretending to be Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson. One of the girls did a perfect impression of Randy, with her hands held in the same position he does his, saying "Yo, Dawg... listen up....". Another one did a bang-up impression of Simon; after her sister sang a song, she said in a very good English accent, "I have to disagree with Paula and Randy. I think it was your best performance ever!" After another kid sang, the next critique was....."I would rather drive rusty nails under my fingernails than to have to listen to that again!"

Can you imagine how hard the adults laughed at all this? I was rolling in the floor...well, almost.....and their parents/aunts/uncles were very amused. If you don't have grandchildren yet - see what you have to look forward to? We are all pretty sure that at least two of the drama queens have great careers ahead of them in the entertainment field.

P.S. Their parents do not want their photos on the blog; otherwise you'd see them!


Tonight I will be watching "The Family Stone". I will review it later.


  1. That does sound like a lot of fun! I can almost see it myself.

  2. I can't wait to see what my grandchildren will look like one day.

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun. My kids used to do stuff like that. I hope the grandkid(s) are equally entertaining.

  4. Now that sounds priceless! I'd have loved to seen that show ;)

  5. Great fun! I can remember doing performances for my parents and grandparents. My kids did the same, and I look forward to some day watching my silly grandkids.
    It sounds like those kids had a great time at your house.
    The pool and probably lots of good food, followed by a fun performance before an adoring audience... what a day!

  6. Gosh, it reminds me how my sisters and I use to perform for relatives when we young. I'm looking forward to having the rewards of grandchildren.

  7. Oh, that brings back memories. My youngest used to love to sing and perform for us, but now that she's a teenager, she's "too cool" for it. I guess I'll have to wait another 20 years for HER kids to do the same! LOL

    Hope you enjoyed the Family Stone. ;)

  8. That is adorable! I don't have kids myslef, and only one neice. So these stories come few and far between for me!

  9. LOL, LOL, LOL...Oh how I wish I had seen this playlet! It sounds absolutely delightfully hilarious! What a joy, Judy...six Grandchilfren! I don't think I really got that you have a Basketball Teamn before...How truly wonderful and they sound like they were a lot of fun!!

  10. Hi Judy ~~ What a great family time you
    enjoyed. How lovely for you all. Maybe
    some budding stars there.
    Thanks for your comments and glad you liked the joke. Take care, Merle.

  11. Kids are just so uninhibated Judy, that's what makes them such fun.

  12. Kids are such a riot sometimes. And their natural mimicry skills are of a kind that makes teachers like me cringe.

    Here from Michele's.

  13. Sounds like a lot of fun.
    Nyssa had a birthday party where the girls put on a five act play with costumes. They made up the dialogue on the spot and it was hysterical. At nine, they were inbetween the childhood fantasies of princesses and royalty and the teenage angst of boys and career choices. It made for a strange video.

  14. Sounds it was a great and happy time to all family! You and Mr.Kenju have a lovely family!

  15. Judy,

    Try to get the parents to lighten up. We'd all like to see their pictures.


  16. I came back to give you a letter. Well, here's two to choose from...J and K...
    whichever pleases you, do it, and let me know when you have done it so I can come see your list! Have fun...I did!

  17. I agree, Judy...grandkids are delightful, in all ways.
    Will be interested to see what you think of The Family Stone. I watched it a couple of weeks ago.

  18. I can't wait to see what my grandchild(ren) come up with.

  19. How hilarious! I can't wait for grandkids! Sounds like something my kids would do, what a great way to spend the day!


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