Thursday, June 29, 2006

The June Perfect Post Awards

The person I have nominated for the Perfect Post Awards for June is Jennifer, of Open Book. Her post about a visit to her grandmother in a nursing home tugs at the heartstrings and makes tears fill your eyes. For anyone who has a grandmother in a nursing home, ever did or may in the future, read it here:


  1. Michele sent me.

    My grandmother died three weeks ago after spending the last 10 years in a care facility of one type or another.

  2. Kenju, it's very late, but I will be back to read Jennifer tomorrow. I've been lurking and meaning to comment for a while. Just coming by to say "hi friend."

  3. Just lovely Judy. I just put mine up too, though in a dufferent way..I didn't know how to link it the way you did, so I put the Perfect Post Icon right into my post! It's interesting because there were two I was debating about...a serious one and then this humerous one. The humerous one, WON OUT! (lol)...Take a peek if you have a chance.

  4. You are so sweet, my friend. Thank you for the lovely honor.

  5. What a beautiful post by Jennifer - thank you for the link. I'm off to Finland tomorrow, and for me this trip is partly about being able to see both of my grandmothers alive once more before we move to New Zealand... so it is very timely.......

    On a totally different note - I was howling reading your Men's Thesaurus!!!!!!!!!

    Hi, here from Michele's!

  6. I read that post because she is one of my daily reads. It touched me too! Great Choice!

    (=':'=) meow hugs
    (")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one


  7. Agreed, Judy. In fact, Jennifer's posts are always well done. I'm in awe of her writing abilities.


  8. That was a very nice post and since I had to place my aunt into a nursing home 8 months ago, I certainly related to the emotion.

  9. At my age this is all a little scary! There, but for the grace of GD go I...
    I concur with your nomination of Open Book. Thanks for introducing me and mine to this sensitive writer.
    Enjoy your weekend, Judy.

  10. Thanks for that link, Judy. It was indeed a well written post-- and truthfully told :)

    Hope you've been doing great these past few weeks. I appreciate your checking in :) We're finally "back", lol!

  11. My feelings are the same as goldenlucyd.


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