Friday, May 05, 2006


He didn't like the casserole
And he didn't like my cake.
He said my biscuits were too hard...
Not like his mother used to make.
I didn't perk the coffee right
He didn't like the stew,
I didn't mend his socks
The way his mother used to do.
I pondered for an answer
I was looking for a clue.
Then I turned around and smacked the shit out of him...
Like his MOMMA used to do.


  1. And another good solution to the problem Judy.

  2. LOL! Very Funny Judy...
    And I agree with what Bill Cosby said, too! Somrtimes it is difficult to find the humor, but I think that is what saves us every time...being able to laugh at the worst situations, maybe not immediately, but sooner than later, you know?

  3. Hi Judy ~~ What a great little poem. It
    brought a smile. I had a lovely time with my family visitors, thank you.
    Hope you are keeping well.
    Take care, Merle.

  4. LOL...great little poem!

  5. I absolutely LOVE this!!! I can so relate!! Thanks for the smile this morning. Wish you could have made it to Vegas. Would have LOVED meeting you!

  6. I rarely laugh out loud. Even when I find something really funny.

    I laughed out loud just then.


  7. LMAO!! That was PRICELESS!!! LOL

  8. That's what he gets for complaining so much. I guess.

    Have you been able to get to Michele's site today?

  9. *snort*

    LOVE it!

  10. Are you having trouble getting on Michele's site? Haven't been able to get there since early this morning..still can't get there bow, so I wondered if anyone else was having the same problem...When you get a chance Judy...

  11. OMG, loved it!!!! Thanks for the laugh lol

  12. You have been reading my poems!

  13. ROFLMBO! Thanks, I've got to remember that one ;D

  14. ROFL! Sounds like my first few years of marriage! Michele sent me.

  15. Great verse. Once when I was ill I took breakfast on a tray to my first mother in Law ( I usually gave her breakfast in bed before I got the children off to school) and she said
    'How is poor darling ----- this morning.
    'I don't know and i don't b=----y well care!'
    I was feeling really rotten but I know that is no excuse. Fortunately she was very deaf and I don't think she heard me.


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