Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Odd Thoughts

You know those dogs who assist people who are confined to wheelchairs and partially paralyzed? Who cleans up after the dogs when they poop? Who helps them get their exercise? Who sees to it that they are fed?

Why does odd stuff like that pop into my head now and then?

I have come to another dry spell, people, and I have no clue what I can write about. Do you know how it feels to click into your draft files and find them empty? I have tried over the past year to have something staged up for a new post; things I get in email and odd thoughts like the one above. My well is dry and it appears we are headed for a drought of epic proportions. When I had a working scanner, a new post was just a scan away: some sheet music, a fan or other memorabilia. Now that the scanner is kaput, I am at a loss.

Are you planning to see the Da Vinci Code movie? I read the book, and in spite of the poor writing (according to some of you) I enjoyed the story. I am looking forward to the movie and I just wish that the people who are so dead-set against it would realize it is only a novel - a work of fiction - and cut out all the righteous indignation!


Picture this: an older guy seated at the breakfast table with his missus.

He says: "Ok! Ok! I'm just an old curmudgeon!"

The wife says: "You were a curmudgeon long before you were old. "


  1. I was here yesterday but your site was only allowing comments from members of the team (?) I will be asking myself the same question about those dogs now that you mentioned it...never thought of it! Happy thursday!

  2. Time to buy a new scanner, Judy! (lol)...This was a fine post, my dear....Whatever you would post would be just dandy...I'm so afraid of that time when the 'well is dry'....But, maybe it is a needed thing so that one can regroup and fill up the well again...

  3. Yick. I hate writer's block. I think it's in the air. I cannot seem to muster up anything worthwhile either.

    Michele sent me over to commiserate.

  4. Wow. Good point. I never thought about who cleans up after those dogs. Perhaps friends/family of the person in the wheelchair?

    I am looking forward to the Davinci Code, especially after thoroughly enjoying the book. And those protesters? Have never read the book, and that kind of ignorance is laughable. Fiction, people! Move on!

  5. I wish my posts were this good when I have "nothing" to post. :)

  6. Just relax and let your mind roll back on some old memories.

    Do some blog reading for ideas. I often find it helps me to write the next post.

  7. I agree with Sandy...perhaps this drought is contagious. Although my muse is in full gear currently as I work on my novel, I've had to reach deeply for inspiration this past week on my blog.
    So rejuvenate yourself, let your mind wander and take a deep breath...those ideas will return. But I enjoy whatever topic you choose.
    On the Da Vinci Code... I thought the book was a brilliant plot and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the movie and I just shake my head at all the hoopla from organized religion over all of it. I'll probably blog on this tomorrow.
    Enjoy your day!

  8. Recently I've been feeling that when I have something to write about I have no time to write it, but when I have time I have nothing to say. It is MOST irritating. The things that concern me one day just don't get me fired up to write about them the next.

    I won't have time write today, and shouldn't be reading, either. Up at 5am tomorrow, and it's 10.30 already... but I've only been home an hour. I have to wind down SOMEHOW.

    Perhaps I should start a draft folder... I've never tried that. What you see is whatever popped out of my fingers right before posting.

  9. Hi Judy ~~ What a good post and the Odd thought is a good one. Making us all wonder. Thanks for your comment.
    Take care, Merle.

  10. I enjoyed reading The Da Vinci Code and we plan to see the movie. Also Dan Brown's "Angels & Demons" is very good (I thought)I recently bought another book by Dan Brown named "Deception Point" but haven't picked it up yet.

  11. I can't wait to see the movie, The DaVinci Code. These religious fanatics need to realize this book is a novel. It is FICTION!!! They should be more worried about bad things going on in REAL life. Such as pedophile priests that are not punished but moved from parish to parish harming yet more children.

  12. Thanks for expanding my knowledge Judy, I had no idea what a curmudgeon was , so i looked it up, to save others the trouble , It's a mean or bad tempered person.

  13. I know something! Well, kinda... Service dogs are generally so well trained that they don't do their biznezz in public when they're working; they just hold it until they get home, where they utilize whatever area is their biznezz area. And the couple of people I know who have service animals have either family or a care provider to clean up; they take their dogs into a back yard and give commands that get their dogs running for exercise and play, but the dogs can get outside to the yard themselves if they want to.

  14. Good question about the dogs. I think the owners do that although handicapped, If they couldn't, these ppl often have case workers that visit them for specific needs. Although I am a fulltime care worker for handicapped borders, I still have case workers come to my home on a regular basis for what ever reason concerning the clients.

    I can't post more then 2 posts per week in my blog, and all its been about in the past 2 months has for the most part been about my wedding. For others its very boring lol.

    I am really looking forward to the Movie...I have had the book forever but with everything going on I havent had the time to read it.
    Just yesterday I heard bad reviews about it...not the catholics either lol...(they really have to get their heads out of their ass)...if I offend anyone, well, I used to be catholic...I recovered many yrs ago)
    Anyway, it was shown in europe and some ppl coming out of theatre didnt like it....
    I am hoping that they happen to pick some of those (COMPLAIN for COMPLAIN SAKES) ppl...and it's actually pretty good.
    I can't wait to see it, bad or not, I will enjoy it lol...My one day out per week, is a mini holiday for me so anything I do I APPRECIATE!!! LOL
    Have a great day Kenju

  15. Ha! Love that last bit. :-)

    Yes, I'm planning to see the movie. I finished the book in a day and a half - it kept me on the edge of my seat. I only wish the movie reviewers would just shut up already.

  16. Wow...good thoughts. You're so profound!

    I'm dry too. I'm running reruns over at my place. Hey, it works for the TV stations, why now bloggers?

  17. I fully intend to see the movie. Unfortunately, none of my friends want to see it. I haven't read the book, but have wanted to.

  18. I don't intend to see the movie, but then I don't see very many at all. I don't plan to read the book either. As long as it is presented as a work of fiction, like "The Omen" was, then I see no problem in it. But if someone tries to persuade people that this is FACT, then I do have a problem with that.

  19. does a queston of the day. Yesterday it asked if you planned to see the DaVinci Code depsite the controversary. I haven't read the book, but think I will. I also want to see the film.

  20. I am beginning to share your dry spell about ides to blog. Maybe it is just the summertime season and we had rather be outside?


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