Saturday, May 13, 2006



  1. I confess: I went here as well.

    Michele sent me.

  2. okay, I will. But right at the moment I'm hung up on the hung up cat. Did he come down? If I'm going to play catch up, at least keep us posted! Been missing you, too, Judy. Thanks.

  3. That is fantastic. I hope everyone we know clicks on that link and reads the speech thoroughly. It's required reading for us all. Thank you for putting the link on your blog.

  4. Endometrial cancer is on the rise partly because women wait longer to have their children, have fewer children or no children at all. Somehow this is associated with an increased risk. Just the opposite is true of cervical cancer. The more sexual contacts with different partners the higher the risk. Now we know that is because the majority of cervical carcinoma is due to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and actually to certain subtypes of that virus.

    Having only one child, late in the scheme of things, I had the elective TAH. Very glad that I did.

  5. Endometrial cancer is on the rise partly because women wait longer to have their children, have fewer children or no children at all. Somehow this is associated with an increased risk. Just the opposite is true of cervical cancer. The more sexual contacts with different partners the higher the risk. Now we know that is because the majority of cervical carcinoma is due to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and actually to certain subtypes of that virus.

    Having only one child, late in the scheme of things, I had the elective TAH. Very glad that I did.

  6. As an RN, I can only reiterate the words of Fran Dresher. I used to tell my patients all the's YOUR body, NOT the doctors. Ask questions, DO anything you have to...but don't settle or accept being pushed aside. Push for a second opinion and/or more testing. It's our life we're talking about.

  7. Kenju, I'm sorry to go off topic on a comment, but since you're moderating them, you can delete this one. I was just wondering if you'd heard anything from plumbkrazze. I used to have her blog on my RSS feed, but then it disappeared for a while and now it looks like her blogspot has been hijacked by someone else. I noticed you posted in the comments of that new person's one and only post, so I was hoping maybe you'd heard something by now. I enjoyed reading her blog and I'm wondering where she went and if all is ok. If you know where her blog went, please email me at

    And also, I hope the kitty is ok! I had a cat who disappeared on us for a full two weeks once. We'd recently moved and he got out and just vanished. We thought he was gone for good but then I heard meowing in a wooded area near our new house and called him. Sure enough, it was our kitty! Granted, he wasn't stuck in a tree, but cats do have a pretty inate sense of survival - even if they've been domesticated all their lives. I'm crossing my fingers for this one!

    Take care,

  8. WOW, great speach by Frann..thank you for giving us that link Kenju...
    Also very happy the cat finally came will surely make it's way home...and meow...WHAT'S FOR SUPPER? I'M STARVING!!

  9. I read that two days ago Judy and thought it was fabulous! I love that Rosie O. posted the whole speech. I know a lot of people don't like Fran Drescher, but I think she is a very bright senseyive talented woman. THat speech certainly is all those things, isn'y it?


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