Thursday, April 27, 2006

Your Mother's Kitchen?

At the MGM Theme Park in Orlando, there is a restaurant called "Prime Time, which is decorated to look like a mother's kitchen in the 1950's.

There are old TV sets in every corner, playing sit-coms and bits from the old Michey Mouse Club, and on every wall the shelf, there are pieces of nostalgia such as old appliances, knick-knacks and photos from back in the day. They are a lot of fun for older people who remember them, and entertaining for the children. The tables are all Formica and the chairs are chrome tubing, with plastic upholstery and nail heads.

The waitresses wear old-fashioned uniforms, and they talk to you as if they were your mom, saying such things as..."Get those elbows off the table", "If you don't clean your plate, you can't have dessert" and if they overhear a child telling something on a sibling, they will holler..."Tattletale!!", and enlist the help of nearby diners to join them in shouting and pointing. Most of their statements are delivered in a voice guaranteed to carry-over to the next room, if not the next building!

They serve a menu of old-fashioned, home-style foods, such as meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans, or macaroni and cheese, or pot roast (which is said to be delicious). One grandson had fried chicken and pronounced it wonderful, the other ate all the shrimp out of a platter of shrimp pasta (and drew the attention of the waitress, who told him he couldn't have dessert). For dessert, the rest of us ordered "S'mores", which taste like the ones you used to make over a campfire.

I only took one photo, but most of the rooms looked similar to ours. If you are in that area, I heartily recommend this place!

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  1. How fun! My neighbor had a kitchen like that in the 70s and the family talked to each other like that. Funny!

  2. That is so close to the restaurant I dream about opening some day, it's nearly scary. I will definitely be checking it out!

  3. I love the idea, but I wonder if I could relax and enjoy my meal knowing that I might get scolded for something any moment... lol

  4. I live in the area and have been to MGM billions of times, but somehow I don't think I even knew that restaurant was there! I'll have to look for it next time. Looks like fun.

  5. I really appreciate your story, because I did not know about that restaurant. I have a time share at the Marriott Resort near Sea World Orlando, so I can't wait to get the family down there and eat at the restaurant! Thanks!

  6. Well this sounds like such fun Judy. I love the waitresses admonishing people like "mother"...LOL! And all the formica and the knick knacks....what a terrific idea! Did you enjoy your meal, my dear?
    I am always in awe of the people who think up ideas like this for a restaurant and then follow it through down to every detail! Great Great Fun!

  7. We had chairs just like that. They were red! I guess everyone thought they were elegant and stylish back then!

    Your comment made me laugh. That's what I was saying. I was indignant that they were using my journal like that!!

  8. oh now that sounds like something!


    Michele sent me!

  9. Michele sent me to your side of town, Judy.

    It sounds like you and your grandkids had a blast, Judy. Personally I think I'll avoid it tho. I was a picky eater as a kid and my memories of family mealtimes are anything but pleasant. Now I get to eat anything I damn well please--and that's the way I like it. Dessert first (and often dessert only!) for me.

  10. ha, I'm not so sure I'm very brave but thank you for the good wishes.

    Be well.

  11. We ate there and had a blost. It was years ago. Our last name is Foster, so they kept referring to the kids as "foster children" My kids thought a tv in the kitchen was a neat idea. But that was never going to happen at our house.

  12. I would really enjoy the decor since I am a 50's in general and colored aluminum in specific nut.

    Apparently I couldn't be coerced with dessert, so my mom tells me. She would say "no dessert" unless I ate my peas/carrots/whatever and I would respond, "Well, I just won't eat anything then!"

  13. What fun. I would just love to see that place - and eat some food from those days.


  14. I'm ashamed to say I've lived in Florida 19 years and have never visited MGM. I'd heard about this restaurant and it sounds like a delightful step back in time.
    I have to make a point of getting there with my Florida grandchildren. I enjoyed the post and despite the fatigue, it seems you had a great time.

  15. Nyssa and I ate there and at the one made to look like an outdoor drive in theater. I had the meatloaf which was really good. Their food was great throughout Disneyworld. I had to laugh, remembering that our family actually had one of those tacky (at least by today's standards) metal and formica tables when I was a kid in Roanoke.

  16. What an amazing voyage to the past!

  17. LOL, I like the part where the waitress told your grandson that he couldn't have dessert for not finishing his dinner. priceless!

  18. That place sounds great. I can tell by the picture and your description that I would really like it.
    Pass the mashed potatoes, please!

  19. That looks like a terrific place to eat!! Wish I were going out there but I don't think that will happen any time soon lol but it will be filed under (if I win the lotto...things I would love to do and see ) file...

  20. *sigh* I miss those formica days!

  21. It doesn't sound like the place to eat if you have issues with authority. LOL!

  22. sounds like a fun little pit stop. -- cheers.

  23. Did you get to the country jamboree over in that wilderness place. Buckets of fried chicken, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and a live show. It was fun.

  24. I thought the food was good at all the venues. Here from Michele.

  25. This place looks so campy it just has to be good!

  26. Glad you enjoyed yourself! Enjoyed the narration :)

  27. Love all the Disney pictures but especially this place! It looks fantastic... what a unique idea for a restaurant. Must have been a blast!


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