Monday, April 03, 2006

More Signs of Spring - 2

The one dogwood tree we have left on our property. When we moved here, we had 5-6 dogwoods, all of them tall and lush. There has been a dogwood blight in the past 10 years or so, and now we are down to one, which is small and puny. The drought we are having does not help. We are 5-6" below normal here.
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  1. Hi Judy, the weather can certainly rule, or at least play a big part in our lives.
    I think I may have got comment moderation right this time?

  2. We left for church this morning at 7:30, then went straight up to Williamsburg, had lunch with "The Nys" and went to her induction ceremony to the National Honor Societies. Then a drive around the campus and back home. So I have been gone. I noticed that up there the dogwoods are starting to bloom, but I haven't seen any here yet. Will need to go to the botanical gardens this week. The tulips on campus there were gorgeous.

  3. Spring is certainly in the air at your place Judy.

  4. Your spring is wayyy sooner then ours here in Montreal but your pics sure help evoke the season. We still have the odd little patch of snow but our weekend was so lovely that most were out cleaning up the yards, raking and taking down the xmas decorations.
    We can usually plant our annuals around the very end of May..I am hoping we can get it done if weather permits, in the 3rd week...since we have my fiancee's parents coming from France for our wedding we want to plant as much as possible so everything is presentable by June 9th of the wedding..although the wedding isnt in my yard, We still have alot of ppl coming from out of town ...Hope to get it all done...DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS LOL

  5. Great photos! Spring is peaking out around here also, but snow is still in the forecast for this week :(

  6. Oh, I LOVE Dogwood! So majestic looking in full bloom.
    Thanks for all your spring photos. They were great! Ahhhh Choo......LOL Yup....spring is in the air!

  7. Kenju,

    If you ever DO get any significant rain, please send whatever is left over down to Victoria, TX. Parts of Texas have been flooding, but we're still parched.

    Pretty dogwoods!


  8. I have enjoyed your signs of spring pics!

    I know you felt bad about the bird's nest! :( I would have!

    The dog wood blooms are lovely! My tree didn't bloom at all this year!

    Our spring, of course , comes early so is about over for us!


  9. Yes the Dogwoods and Redbuds are in bloom here also. It's a beautiful time of year.

  10. I just love dogwoods. They're so beautiful.

  11. Every once in a while I've wondered why I don't see more dogwoods around, Judy. Now I guess I know. I wasn't aware that there'd been a blight on them here. Back when I lived in Atlanta that happened to Red Tips (aka Shrubby honeysuckle) and it got to the point where it was difficult to find them anywhere.

  12. I am glad you have at least one dogwood left. Atlanta is still filled with dogwood so I am hoping the blight does not reach down here.

    I especially love your photo of the nest with the bird eggs. Maybe the mother bird will come back after all. I always think it is good luck when a bird choses to build a nest close to a house at all.

    One year I had given my husband a Chia Pet as a joke gift; the one where the "green hair" sprouts from the top. I left it in the bakers rack in the garage and the "hair" finally turned to straw. The little birds loved the "chia hair straw and flew in and out harvesting it for their nests.

    And another time we left a baseball style cap of my husbands out on the same backers rack. It was turned upside down and an enterprizing birdie made a nest in it.


  13. Judy,

    Thanks for the thoughts and the effort. It's hard to buck Mother Nature. I'm sure she'll dump rain on us soon enough -- probably over Easter Weekend when we have outdoor plans!


  14. My dogwoods are blooming too. I dug them up out of a ditch down the lane and transplanted them to my far so good after 5 years!

  15. I am ready for the honeysuckle to start blooming out.

  16. Hi Judy ~~ Your Spring photos look great. It is starting to cool off in Australia, have had a cardigan on the last couple of days. And Autumn leaves
    starting to fall. Yuk.
    I liked the "skinny-dipping" too.
    Cheers, Merle.

  17. all good thoughts to you kenju.... thanks for your thoughts on my friend.

  18. Nice photos. Our silly weathermen say we may yet get more snow soon.

    I can't wait for a Reno spring.

  19. I love spring pictures! Michele sent me this time!

  20. ah...I miss the dogwoods! Thanks for sharing your lone one with me. I hope someday to have several in my yard!

    Michele sent me.

  21. wow, pretty. Hi came over from Michele's today. Glad I did.


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