Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Top: The new basket of silk flowers I made for my porch wall.

Spring is showing her signs; here are a few clues she left around here this week.

My forsythia is rather tame this year. I use it in my business all year long, especially the longer stems. I love forsythia when it is allowed to grow willy-nilly and has long, graceful, arching branches. Since I cut mine in the fall, there are not any longer ones left, but the small yellow blooms are most cheerful on a February day. Daffodils are another favorite this time of year. I don't have many in bloom yet, but these few are enough of a promise that spring is just around the corner. Soon they will be joined by tulips and grape hyacinths, which entwine with
the fragrant rosemary in the flower bed. Violets are already leafing out and soft, deep, velvety purple blossoms will appear before too long.

Last year I wrote about the wisteria that grows all over this area, hanging pendulously from the trees. You requested photos - and this year I will deliver! As soon as the wisteria and azaleas and dogwood are in full bloom, my camera and I will go on a pilgrimage, to find the best examples for you. I promise!

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  1. Those first flowers look so real! How pretty! I miss having a yard for just the photos you posted today.

    Michele sent me!

  2. Oh what beautiful signs of spring! I don't have many yet but I too love the daffodils.

  3. Hello, Michele sent me.
    See, this is what I miss about not living in a house. Oh, well. Something to strive for.

  4. LOVE these photo's Judy! I can't believe things are already bloooming and it will only be March 1, tomorrow!!

    A friend brought me Daffodils on Saturday and the were completely closed up...the next day they were wide open..AND BEAUTIFUL, and they still are---GORGEOUS!!! I sure can understand you loving them, Judy...They Are Lovely Lovely Flowers.

  5. Lovely daffodils! I'm looking forward to the wistera photos. I nursed a few vines from sprouts to full blooming age (several years), only to lose them in a property dispute. The new owner cut them back mercilessly.

  6. Oh yayyy for you for posting something so cheerful! Happy March to you too, Judy.

    I love the arrangement by your door ... such talent!

  7. I am getting a need for a North Carolina "fix". Last year I was in NC during early May. I couldn't get over all the flowers in bloom. I also had never seen anything like the poppies in bloom along I-77 from Charlotte to Mt. Airy.

  8. I love your flower basket...very nice. I also want to thank you for posting the pics of spring because frankly I forgot what it looked like...we are still under snow here, I have 3 feet deep of the stuff in my back yard and the snow banks in the front are more then 4 feet high...hard to believe it will be all gone SOME TIME SOON I HOPE!!

  9. I love daffodils!!! I can't wait for spring and warmer days.

  10. Whao, flower baskets - that's seriously martha.

  11. I look forward to the nature pics.
    Beautiful scenery feeds the soul!

  12. I love the daffodils, Judy. I have some forsythia also but no wisteria. I keep meaning to erect a trellis so I can grow some in my sideyard. My flowers are just getting started, the daffodils are just poking up this week with no blooms yet. It's odd that just 50 miles distance between our houses can change the "climate" so much.

  13. These pictures are BEAUTIFUL! I really like the bouquet you made for your back porch too. The colors flow together so well, it's definetly spring!!!

  14. You MADE those flowers? Lady, you are some class act.

  15. You are so talented. The weather here tricked the cherry and almond blossoms into blooming, then smacked them back with cold weather. I'm looking forward to the colors of springtime.

  16. I have never liked forsythia. The gold/yellow is just not my taste in color. This house? Massive amounts of forsythia everywhere! It is just now starting to bud out. I don't want it to bloom. LOL You just reminded me I need a new wreath for my front door.

  17. I saw some daffodil green peeking through the grass today. I'll have to check the forsythia - one of my favs. I really wish I had planted more bulbs last year...

    I wanted to tell you about a book I saw in Borders last week. It was called Virginia Beach in Vintage Postcards. It had pictures of many of the old hotels. I'm going to buy the book next week, and when I do I will scan some of the hotels and forward the pics to you.

  18. In Mississippi the dogwood, tulip trees, wisteria and azaleas bloom during the annual "Pilgrimage" of old antebellum homes. Usually the last week in March and first week in April.

    Love the arrangement. When I get another abode, I'll be calling you.

  19. yeah, spring is beginning down there about now, in another month the asaleas and dogwoods will be in bloom... I miss wisteria!

  20. I'm a little too far north for signs of spring yet, but your daffodils have inspired me to go out and poke around the garden and see if there are any little shoots.

  21. Wow. I am so jealous that you are having signs of spring already! Our signs of spring came in January and now it is freezing!!! Here from Michele's

  22. You know I love the garden tour...I let my huge bank of forsythia run amok because all the cardinals nest in it so it's at the far back of the lot and everyone is happy, happy when those little yellow buds appear. A sign the baby cardinals won't be far behind.

  23. Aww, girl. I did a major whack job on my forsythia last summer and it's just pitiful. Next year will be better!

  24. I got buried under about 4-5" of snow today. These photos are a breath of fresh air!! Thanks!

  25. Wonderful the basket of silk flowers! Well done, Judy!
    Love your photos and I am looking forward to see another photos from your house and garden!


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