Friday, March 17, 2006

Not Really Much Better

I am not feeling much like a human, but being able to come here and read your wishes for me to get better sure puts a nice perspective on it. On a scale of 1 to 10, I am about a 3 right now, while the previous two days were 1's. I can't sleep now because I have slept off and on all day. I guess I will browse blogs until I feel tired enough to go to bed. I can't take any more Nyquil until 2:30 am, but I might not make it that far....LOL.....I'm sort of spacey as it is!
My neighborhood women's organization had a St. Patrick's Day party on Tuesday, but I couldn't go, of course. I did flowers for it - Bells of Ireland - and made 2 pounds of fresh bacon bits. The main course was to be baked potatoes, and all the women were bringing either wine, salad, or a topper for the potatoes. We were asked to come in costume, or at least wearing green, and I am told that about 15 out of the 22-23 attendees followed that order, at least partly. They had fun; I feel sorry for myself that I couldn't go. I'll get over it - eventually - LOL.
I heard some bad news today. A wedding cake baker here died from complications during surgery for high blood pressure or something heart related. This guy will be sorely missed. He was an amazing person; when I first met him he weighed over 300 pounds. I didn't work with him again for 3-4 years, and when I saw thim the next time, I didn't recognize him. He had joined a gym (the same one we belong to) and after 1-2 years of exercising, he had lost over 120 pounds. I saw him at the gym and he was so buff and trim I had no idea who he was. Then I heard him speak, and since his voice was so specific to him, I finally realized who he was. I asked him what he had done to lose so much weight - and he answered....."I stopped tasting my wedding cakes". Unfortunately, even though he was religious about exercising and being careful of his diet, he had a hidden blood pressure problem that caused heart damage. I don't know this guy's age, but I don't think he was over 40. It is so sad. Local brides will be inconsolable, since Greg had been the baker of choice around here for a long time. Rest in peace, Greg.


  1. Glad you're feeling a bit better - I think that's all I couls say for myself too *sigh*

    My condolnces to Greg's friends and family.

    Sorry I've not been around much lately - it's ben a hectic couple of weeks!

    Here from Micheles today

  2. So sorry to hear about this very young man dying! Lord! It is shocking when this happens to anyone, but to someone so very young...I'm very very sorry Judy...and soooo sorry you are feeling so punk! Whatever you have must be a truly mean mean illnes!! I dearly hope tomorow brings you to at least a 5 or hopefully a 6....Being sick is truly horrendous, isn't it? I mean with something that makes you feel like you can't get out of bed! OY!

  3. Hope you're feeling better. Saw you at Michele's today thought I'd say hey!

  4. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, Judy!

    I'm glad you're beginning to feel a tad better - sheesh, this thing really had a hold on you.

    (By the way, your score at the Outpost wasn't so bad after all. Maybe next time, if ever, I'll make it a little easier) Thanks for playing!

  5. I hope you are getting better.
    I'm sorry about the young man.

  6. Only the good die young. How sad.

    Somewhere within the depths of this tragedy, so much good from this one man seems to have pervaded his community. Maybe that's the meaning of life after all. Sometimes, I have trouble making it all out.

  7. Hi Judy, a 3 day isn't too good,(better than a 1 day though) hope things improve soon.

  8. Hope you get up and about soon. This bug seems to be going around from what I read on other blogs. I just hope it stays south of us.

  9. Feel better!!

    mmmmn, 2 pounds of fresh bacon bits...

  10. Sorry you've been under the weather! I love that little leprechaun below and the Jan Steen painting, too! Feel better soon!

  11. Hi Kenju!
    Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I spent the past week "in the bag" as my grandson says, with the intestinal bug...courtesy of which I had quite an adventure at WalMart...but I'm not ready to share that yet!
    Again, thanks for the BDay greeting and let's both feel better fast!

  12. How sad that he died. He worked so hard to lose weight. I wish he would have had more time to enjoy his thinner self.

    Take care this weekend and get well.
    That's an order!

  13. Can I fluff your pillow?

    So sorry about your friend.


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