Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Meet n' Greet Suggestion ~ Plus Two

If you are going to play Michele Agnew's Weekend Meet n' Greet, please try to have a new post at least once during the weekend. It is a bit disconcerting to click name after name, only to see the same old posts three days in a row, especially if it is a blog you read everyday, and therefore have read everything behind it too.

Want your posts to look neat and legible? Click on the "Justify full" icon when you reach the end of each paragraph. It spreads the letters out across the line and makes the whole page look better, plus it is less distracting than uneven lines.

Want to guarantee that everyone will read your posts? Use larger print than "tiny" and put it on a lighter background or at least have good contrast. Some eyes cannot read that tiny print, especially when it is against a dark background. I realize that some of you probably don't care whether older eyes can read what you post, but please be considerate and either up-size or use bold letters.

Okay, I'm off the soapbox now.
P.S. Thanks to all of you who responded earlier to my answers with your questions. Mr. Kenju and I got a kick out of all of them, especially the "theme" answers. Very creative!


  1. Oh I do that..
    I don't want you all to be bored...

  2. Michele sent me, Judy.

    I looked over your post earlier today and didn't dare post any questions to your answers. My mind was going in directions it just shouldn't have been. LOL

    Your suggestions on this post are all good ones, Judy, though the large font and darker type can be adjusted by the end user, of course. Just hold down the Control key and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to make the type bigger. There's more than a few pages I have to do that to so that I can read them comfortably.

  3. Very good suggestions! I put up a new post just for you in case you are below me this weekend at the meet and greet! Here from Michele's.

  4. that was funny!!

  5. You wrote it down so nicely and you are sooo right! Otherwise it is like inviting people over and having leftovers on the table...that's the way I feel about it. Tiny print bothers me too. Have a nice weekend and have fun at the M&G!

  6. I can do that, I've posted no less than 4 new items today lol.

  7. Good suggestions. Is mine big enough? If I not I could bump it up. Safari view menu does have an option to make all text bigger too.

    May I add not to put as top post some excruciatingly personal disclosure during the greet rounds. It's hard to know how to respond.

    Michele sent me.

  8. Thanks for the advice.

    Cheers from Michele.

  9. LOL... Pictures are always good. And I agree about adding some new posts over the weekend. Also, if you know you are going to be having a lot of visitors leaving comments, it is nice to ask a question at the end of your post. Give them an idea of where to go with the comment! That is always fun.

  10. I don't play the Michelle game, but I am guilty of leaving up a post for three or four or even five days. Sometimes I simply cannot make the time to post in between. I don't really have a problem if someone doesn't post every day. The way I see it - life goes on - click away and come back in a couple of days. No harm done. :)

    Print size can be adjusted by the reader pretty easily. I'm guessing most of the serious blogging population is between 25 and 45 so people don't think about us old farts. (I've had to do this on several blogs)

    As to color ... the only thing I have a real problem with is the lighter pastel colored fonts. To each his own, I suppose, but it does make a huge difference if at least the background is dark.

    If you'd like to pass your soapbox to me sometime, I'm sure I can come up with a few gripes of my own.

  11. Yes, Ma'am!

    And I love love love that flower basket!!

    And the loveseat is gorgeous, probably way out of my price range though!

  12. Bravo to you...for coming up with some blog etiquette. Much needed. I's very disappointing to return to blogs you enjoyed, only to see it hasn't been updated all week.
    And the print on dark background! Unfortunately, I've had to move on, rather than strain my eyes.
    Glad you tackled this subject.

  13. I agree about the size of the type Judy...these old eyes have the same problems...!
    And, I try to post every two days...but sometimes it's harder than others depending on what's going on 'out in the World world, you know?...BUT, I do try to change my post during the M&G Weekend....

  14. I usually have a new post when I play the M&G- although I'm not a regular player of it, and I have life outside of my pc, lol! The print size also is determined by the display settings individuals use on their blogs. I use 1024x768. I also use Times, Normal when I post. Leave me a comment and let me know if mine needs to be adjusted ok?

  15. Kenju,
    What's this Meet and Greet thing? Ah, so much to learn---and you're a wonderful teacher!

  16. I'm back again :)
    Just clicked on a blog w/a black background and red letters. Was very hard to read. I've found if you highlight the post it makes it a little easier. But I agree w/you people should make their blogs easy to read.

    P.S. Re your comment yesterday: You suggested I save my writing on another CD. I don't have my writing saved on the hard drive of the pc I use now. I just had it on CD. It's corrupted and won't open. But if you know how I could do that, I'd appreciate any help. Have a wonderful day Judy :)

  17. Have a good weekend all.

  18. great advice. I will consider it and most likely forget by tomorrow.

  19. Utenzi's idea works! I never knew that! Learn something every day! I was going to ask if you were going to let us know if our sites are hard to read but with this hint it should be OK. Now, the only thing is.... how do you put it back the size it was?

    I've noticed that most people read only the first post. There may be one more interesting below it, but no one goes there unless they visit twice. Usually with the Friday Ark, Carnival of the Cats, and the photo memes, the weekend posts are over the top.

    OK, I figured out how to get the font smaller again. Ctr and scroll the opposite direction. DUH!

  20. Glad that Utenzi's idea worked for srp, but I was disappointed that it didn't do a thing, for me. Thanks for thinking of those who have difficulty reading the dark screens, Judy. My sister-in-law owns a couple of small businesses and her web site (established 5 or 6 years ago) is in some sort of tan on chocolate--totally unreadable. I tell her that, for folks like me, she is wasting her money having a web site; but, as good as her businesses do, guess it isn't an issue for her.
    Cop Car

  21. Sometimes I'm just not inspired to write a new post over the weekend--but people can certainly scroll down and look at my other posts from the week, rather than commenting multiple times on the same posts, KWIM?

    The tricky thing about font size is that what looks large enough in your browser might appear tiny in someone else's.

  22. Here via Michele's...Since I'm new to the Meet & Greet, I appreciate the advice!

  23. I'm with you on the easy to read posts. I don't like having to strain to read the words and fight to decipher words from background pictures or graphics.

  24. Well, I wouldnt mind doing meet-n-greet if I knew who Michelle was. I hope you don't mind when I can't post for a day or two!! I tend to get behind in things around here.
    Have you or your readers ever noticed how much time blogging takes out of a single day?
    Sometimes it doesn't take long to put up a post at all. Other times it can take an hour or so, especially if there are pictures that have to be uploaded and resized and links to be tracked down.
    and then there's the time spent cruising other blogs! I LOVE to read other blogs, but I get frusturated not having time to go visit them each day and post as well, LOL!

  25. here via michele- thanks for the tips

  26. Here from Michele's! Good suggestions :) I post to my blog daily, and my blog has a schedule for each day, so I'm not too worried about that part lol My text is on the smaller side, but that is because I tend to write so much that it would go on forever if I used a larger size - I assume that most readers know how to click "View, then font size" in their browser toolbar to be able to view it in larger sizes :)

    Thanks for the tips!

  27. I don't have time to play M & G much anymore, and when I do I only go a few rounds.

    This is a fun post, although I much prefer unjustified margins. Just a personal taste thing.

    : )

  28. I think I'm okay since I post new every day. But I didn't know about the justify full icon. I don't ever recall seeing it.
    But since you're a nice girl, I will look for it.

  29. *rofl*

    A classic post full of pearly bits of wisdom.

    As usual. :-)

    And I LOVED reading the Jeopardy style questions/answers. Too funny!

  30. Hi Judy,
    Just got your email about my corrupted CD. Don't worry about it, I just thought you might have some knowledge of how to get around it. I was hoping you did anyway, lol! Someone emailed me a document opening program so I'll give it a try. If not, I'll just have to "do over!" hehehe!

  31. HUllo, i'm from Michele's. Im a fairly new blogger so please do nto be TO hard on me.

  32. Hullo. I'm from Michele's. Thanks for the tips!

  33. I'm not so sure about the justify right thing. As for font size, I just left mine on whatever the default is. In blogspot practically nothing works the way it's supposed to on my very old browser and very old computer, so I'm scared to change anything! (Is it too small?)

    I'm TOTALLY with you on the black background thing. Also the pastel colours someone mentioned above. My poor fading old computer screen can't handle those colour combinations at all, so I've loaded up blogs and had what looks like black on black, or white on white. Nothing to read!

  34. I'll politely disagree on the justification thing. I find full justification leads to uneven gaps between words. Unlike newspapers and magazines, blogging tools do not do the justification thing all that cleanly. Ragged right works much better for me.

    That said, thanks for confirming some niceties for the M&G. Having nothing new to read is a real bear. I do my best to dig into older archival material. But on newer blogs, that gets old soon, too.


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