Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Another Semi-Unknown Golden Oldie

Edit below.....
This photo is so faded and washed out that had I not been able to edit it in Picasa, it would have been impossible to post. I know that the two people on the left are my great-grandparents, whom I have posted old-age photos of before. The others are a mystery to me, although I can speculate that the woman standing on the right is my grandmother and the woman seated on the right is her sister. Once again I am stymied by a photo not labeled. I think this one had to have been taken before 1900, but I cannot be certain.

This is yet another lesson in how important it is to label all our pictures.
Mr. kenju and I were discussing this photo this a.m. and he says this photo was taken way before 1900. The woman on the right cannot be my grandmother, because she was born in 1880, and in this photo, she appears to be almost the same age as the 2 people I thought were my grandparents. So..... if they are my grandparents, then the others may be their siblings and the boy could be a nephew.
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  1. WONDERFUL PHOTO!!!! Love your Great Granparents...they actually kind of look like each other, don't they? Seems like that is a fairly common occurrance, isn't? Couples looking like each other! (lol)

  2. We have boxes full of unlabeled photos. Dad reconises a few of the people in them (close family members), but most of them can't be identified and anyone who would be able to identify the people in them are long since dead. This is why I nag my dad about family history and who's this or who's that!

  3. Ok, you've convinced me. I will get my pictures out of storage as soon as possible and start getting them labeled.

  4. You are quite the family historian. Great pictures:)

  5. Kenju,
    I asked GeneologyBuff Jack about how to get information about old photos. He uses Ancestry.com quite extensively and he say, productively. If you can identify or even speculate on where the photo was taken it could be very helpful. I'm sure Jack has more information that might help. I'll get back to you when I see him!

  6. My father has a slew of old photos like that. For years now he has been filling in the blanks in our family history..he has had his nose in old archives from all over so often, he can name almost everyone now lol. He has gone back over 400 yrs as far as the tree goes and next step will be going to France to see where our ancestors in Europe came from...as much as I find parts very interesting...I have to say my father can't get enough....which also pleases many in the family who don't want to do it anyway lol. Great hobby for his retirement.....So all that to say...my father would whole heartedly agree with you in saying IT'S IMPORTANT TO LABEL EVERY PHOTO!

  7. Judy,
    You inspired me again! Or, you might say again, I have stole your idea for my blog.

  8. Even if you knew all the people, I sometimes find I don't label the names of people, thinking I'll NEVER forget old what's-her-name. I'm lucky to remember my own name some days!!

  9. May I be the first to wish all of you ladies a happy International Women's Day. It's scary how you seem to keep pulling these very, very old photos out LOL.

  10. That is so cool that you have so many beautiful mementos of your heritage. You are so lucky!

    Michele sent me which is good because it's been way too long!!

  11. Love your Golden Oldie photos series, Judy! It's a lovely way to make these relatives been "alive"! The memories brought from oldies photos are great!

    Thank you, Judy, you inspire me so much! I will show up someday on my blog some oldies photos that I had in my archives, too.

  12. Nice picture, Judy. You might try a program like Photoshop on pictures like that. A good image program can really pull images out even when faded that far. And then you can just upload to Walmart and get a print to replace the old faded one. Too bad we can't do something similar to our own bodies and minds!

  13. I will search for old pics at my parents' next time! it is so nice to look at them!


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