Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Do You Print Your Blog Posts?

Do you save your blog posts? I know not all of them are worth saving - but some surely are - especially those in which you write about childhood memories or life events.

I have been printing some of mine from the beginning, with comments. I put them in 3-ring binders, to save for posterity. I imagine that someday my children will quit making fun of blogs and decide to read them, or that my grandchildren will one day want to learn "what made grandma tick" and give them a try. They can be saved to CD's, of course, but there is nothing like the printed word to hold in your hands and peruse at leisure, is there?

Now don't tell me that you write about nothing worth preserving, because I won't believe it. Buy your binders today, and happy printing!


Pat said...

Excellent advice Judy,

Anonymous said...

I have had online journals under different names for 5 years or so, and I have saved every post in electronic form. Every few months or so, I'll go back through the archives to find posts from the same date in previous years to see what I was thinking and doing then. It's interesting for me to see how much my thought process changes.

Eddie said...

I haven't thought about it - all my mass space causing clutter is in my comics book collection and my genealogy findings collections.... if I started savings in binders my hard copies of my blogs and I think my wife might have a hissy-fit.
Having said that, I have several times considered savinging them onto the hardrive, then turn around and burn a CD, then delete them from my hard drive.
And then again, most of my stuff is random thinking ramblings that I am sure will not survive the test of time as good literature should.

Sandy J said...

Hey that is a wonderful idea!!!! Need to start that.

Here from Michele's!

Anonymous said...

That is a good idea to share with your readers.
But no, I seldom print out my blog entries. I guess I figure they'll always be in electronic form.

LZ Blogger said...

Nope! I just post them and then check back to see the responses and then move on. I do still remember them all, but maybe that's only because I've only been doing it for a few months. Time will tell! ~ jb///

goldenlucyd said...

I can understand the storage issue having downsized twice already. However, I save everything I write to a gold CD to back up the hard drive memory.
I don't feel I'm the one to be the judge of what I write so I save everything. What I think is complete drivel may exactly what fascinates my descendents, And besides, I've never flattered my self that I'm creating literature. What I want to do is record memories.

Raggedy said...

What a wonderful idea. I have never printed any of mine. I also do not have them saved on a disc or anything. When the computer crashes that will be that. I never thought about printing. Thanks. Have a wonderful day! Hugs

Peter said...

That would mean MORE time devoted to blogging Judy, I don't think so.

Beverly said...

An excellent idea. That is the reason I started blogging in the first place...have wandered a bit, however

srp said...

I have been copying and pasting mine into Word with pictures and comments. I did it because I don't really know how long they will keep your comments archived. It's a pain and I'm behind but some late, late night I will stay up and work some more. Then for backup I plan to burn them onto either a CD or DVD.

Weary Hag said...

Having had the unfortunate experience (about two years ago) of losing 250 pages of manuscript, I not only have printed copies, but I also have the email copies sent to me via blogger AND I have them all on a disk.

I have never quite recovered from losing all that writing.

Excellent advice, Judy!

Anonymous said...

Never thought of it, either. But I'd choke if the blog just up and disappeared one day, taking two years of my life with it...hmmm.

dorothy rothschild said...

I've got all the posts from my previous three blogs saved in electronic form. I kind of consider my blog to be a notebook. I like being able to go back and take things for my fiction writing. And I'm starting to get into making comics, and some of the blog material is prime for that. But having hard copies of the blog posts is not a bad idea.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Gee that's a good idea. For you. See, what you write is educational/entertaining. I am not in that class.

amarkonmywall said...

It's a good day when I don't want to delete a post, Judy. And I'm about to suffer a serious space crunch so they stay on the hard drive. But I think you're on the right track leaving these for your kids and grandkids- you have a lot of memorable history in your blog.

Anonymous said...

Judy, I am so hopelessly behind in saving mine that I'll never catch up anyway.

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea. I used to print some of my posts for my husband to read, because he doesn't like to sit at the computer and read blogs. Putting them in a 3 ring binder is a great idea!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!

Here from Michele's.

Prego said...

You've read what I write.... I think my kids would be rather embarrassed!

On second thought. What the hay. It migh be a good idea.

Here via Michele again.

Tracie Nall said...

What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I have saved my blog posts onto cd rom, to give one day to my daughter, who my blog mainly revovles around...

Karen said...

I can't believe you asked this! I thought I was the only one that did this. However, I haven't done it in a while. I used to print it out because I thought that one day my kids might want to read my blog. Now that they know about it, they have no interest in reading it. I do want to print it out again. Thanks for the reminder!

Tia said...

I've just recently started blogging and I was wondering if anyone does this. I hate the thought of more clutter so I probably won't go with the binders, but perhaps I'll burn mine onto a disk as a backup....

Thanks for popping by my blog earlier! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I am going to go back and start printing mine out. My children tell me they are too busy to read blogs. Maybe someday, they will want to have some of my thoughts and memories to look at. So on that chance, I will print out some.

November Rain said...

trust me there will come a day when they will cherish those...

My dad's drawings and things after he was gone became to me like gold

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do...I thought I was the only one...thank you :) I never thought about saving it to a CD...hmmmmm I have visited from time to time but never said hello..I especially liked the frog photos!! I am participating in the Summer of Compliments hosted by and will link your site on my sidebar under Summer of Compliments if that is ok.

Merle said...

Hi Judy~~ I have been doing this since I started and have various folders of Peter, Jacqui, Marcus, my own and quite a few of advice and info from yourself and other bloggers.Love your frog photos
Caster sugar is called superfine sugar in the US, I believe Take care, Merle.

vanx said...

I have contemplated printing the whole thing at once, binding it up, and killing the blog. Just to see what happens.

Panthergirl said...

I print the ones I take to read at my Writer's Group.

Otherwise, I've thought about using Blogbinders to make a book out of it, maybe in six month chunks.

millie garfield said...

Every so often I print out a few months at a time, just use a paper clip to separate the months.

Putting them in binders is a great idea but it would present a storage problem.

Some day , maybe, I'll find a better way to keep them.;)

Badaunt said...

Good grief, I haven't even saved most of them in electronic form. If Blogger disappears, so does my blog.

Not such a bad thing, really.

I do save the bird stories, but the original pictures are all over the place. I keep meaning to put them all in one place, but so far haven't. It hadn't occurred to me to print them out, though.

carmilevy said...

I've never really thought of it, so thank you for raising such an important issue.

I've been archiving my work since day 1, but only electronically. Each month has its own file, complete with pictures and related content. It wouldn't be a major deal to simply crank them out on a printer.

Definitely a great excuse to finally bite the bullet and get that color laser printer I've been eyeing for so long. I fear the consumables costs for an ink jet would bankrupt me!

Thanks for the inspiration, Judy. Super idea.

Daisy said...

I have never thought about printing out my blog to save. Thanks for the excellant idea!!