Saturday, June 10, 2006

And So it Begins........My Frogs

I promised a series of frog photos last year and I am just now getting round to it, although it may be slow in coming.

These reside on my deck. The first is a stepping stone, or it can be hung.

The second (and largest one) is nicknamed "The Thinker". He was given to me by some dear friends several years ago. He sits out here in the warm months, but comes in the house to warm in the kitchen all winter. Otherwise, he might crack, and I'd be heartbroken.

The third is, unfortunately, one of three frogs I found in the pool skimmer last week. I threw him over the back railing to the mossy ground below, and he, like everything else I throw down there, disappeared in short order. I don't even want to know what takes them away!!
When I find live frogs in the skimmer, I take them out and give them a stern but gentle lecture - Stay Out of the Pool!! Hasn't worked so far.....LOL. You should hear them in mating season. The tree frogs sing so loudly that if our windows were open, we couldn't sleep for the racket. The mating frogs stay by the edge of the pool, and then the females lay their eggs on the surface of the water. I don't have the heart to tell them that the skimmer will make short work of their egg masses. Such is the way of the world, I guess. Since they don't have a pond or a stream nearby, they make do with what they can find. Gotta' give 'em an "A" for effort!
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rashbre said...

Great and I look forward to a froggy series.

We recently started a record label at and decided to use a frog logo.

Something vagely to do with bubbles and squeeking sounds. Check out at the bubble and squeek label area on for a picture. And bubbleandsqueek will now also be at the Edinburgh Fringe in August!

Here today via Michele's.


verniciousknids said...

Oh they are lovely...did you know that frog is "kaeru" in Japanese?!

Here via Michele.

Carolyn said...

I'll miss my froggys on the pond where we live now. Well, until August when they keep us awake all night with that deep baritone ribbity noise, hehe!

Anonymous said...

Oh! wonderful! I'll have to introduce you to our resident frog, Joe. He lives on our patio and despite a broken leg, has managed to weather time and sun with a winning smile and a cheerful disposition. I'll get a photo of it for you! LOL

btw, honorificabilitudinity (I had to copy/paste) would make a great scrabble word. If one could remember how to spell it!

Anonymous said...

I like looking at frogs, just not touching them.

sage said...

I may have to borrow some of these photos. A member of my staff has a frog phobia. Come to think of it, I value her as an employee and friend, so maybe I better not.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Love "The Thinker". So cute!
I fear frogs and toads. Fortunately here in my garden I rarely see one.
Did you ever made a visiting at "Life in Mayberry"? It's a great blog. Another day Delane post an amazing toad's photo. This is the link:

goldenlucyd said...

Hi Judy,
Great froggie pics. The first one is good enough to qualify for the world-wide Squared Circle Club. Don't know if you know Claude at Blogging in Paris @ but she's a master. Also a very cool lady. As you may already know!

utenzi said...

Michele sent me over your way, Judy.

I don't think I'd call that frog "the thinker", I think from his expression I'd call him "all out of flies". He seems seriously dejected and few things can do that more than an empty stomach.

I like the stepping stone, Judy. Purty!

The Flamingess said...

Enjoying your frogs. Here from Michele

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Love your froggies Judy! Poor 'live' one...OY! But that first plaque type one is really wonderful...Hope there will be LORS & LOTS more!

Raggedy said...

The frog pictures were wonderful. My little brother is a frog collector. Do you have a stuffed Kermit too?

I enjoyed my visit, thanks!

doubleknot said...

I too am a frog collector or used to be limited space has made me have to give away some of my frogs when I moved. I love the Thinker. Did you know we have FROG - Fully Rely On God. My sis gave me some magnets and note paper and pin all with the logo on it. I'll have to post a pic on my blog.

ribbiticus said...

i love your frogs, judy! just not the last one...looking forward to seeing more of them. ;)

Eddie said...

More frogs!!
more frogs!!
I was riding my bike yesterday for exercise and rode by the local grammer school where the kids have contriubted things to a little pond. As I got close a heard a "yiddik" sound. I thought it must be motions sensor that triggered off something to make that sound. I stopped to take a water break and it seemed each time I moved a little I heard the "Yiddck" sound. Then, as I peddled off a little frog no bigger than two fingers splashed into the water.

Weary Hag said...

I love your frog pictures! The Thinker is fabulous. We have lots of frogs in the pond out back and we listen to the peepers and bullfrogs every night while falling off to sleep. One night we had a regular chorus of bullfrogs out there and it was actually too noisy to sleep! I thought about putting a sign outside but now that you told me they don't bother to read, I'll have to come up with another idea. :)

Jamie Dawn said...

Cute frogs - except for that last one.

Peter said...

Hi Judy, I'm a frog person too, I have the three wise frogs, "See no evil Hear no evil and Speak no evil.