Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mt. St Helen's ~ About to Blow?

I got this photo yesterday from the Astronomy Site of the Day.

This is a rock which is being pushed up atop Mt. St. Helen's, and it grows about a meter a day. Scary!

What a monolith. Enjoy reading about it.
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Sandy said...

Wow. Where have I been?! My husband was in college in Montana when Mt Saint Helen's blew it's top in the 80s. He has still has a jar of ash that fell from the sky around campus.

Michele sent me over today.

Peter said...

That's strating to sound scary to me Judy, I wouldn't want to live anywhere near there.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sometimes I feel like that!

Anonymous said...

PS Is the earth having hot flashes?

MaR said...

Wow, it grows over one! fascinating and scary at the same time. Thanks for the link, Judy. I must add it to my favorites!

srp said...

You might like this site too Judy.
It is their webcam.

srp said...

You might like this site too Judy.
It is their webcam.

Jamie Dawn said...

I would not want to be near Mt. Saint Helens when she blows. That is one huge rock!

The panda made of plants is amazing. Disney always has such fabulous landscaping. It is art.

utenzi said...

Scary or fascinating, Judy? LOL Stuff like that appeals to me though of course it does expose the dangers of nature.

Anonymous said...

If its getting ready to blow, I don't want to be anywhere close to where that big rock could land on me!

Anonymous said...

I remember visiting the area after it errupted, and the ash was incredible. Seeing things buried in the aftermath makes one shudder.Do they think the rock is like a cork??

Duke_of_Earle said...

Maybe the Earth is getting ready to launch its own satellite? More likely the rock will just tip over and fall out to one side. Fascinating none the less!

Malinda777 said...

Wow Judy, I hadn't heard. In college I was a camp counselor once for younger kids, and one from that area sent me a letter with the "original" Helen ash in it. He just put it in the envelope and I dumped it out thinking how strange so much "stuff" was in this letter. Then when I READ the letter, I wished I would have kept it :)

Boy how time passes quickly, that was over 20 years ago!

Panthergirl said...

Wow!!! I'm fascinated by the whole Mt. St. Helen's thing. I still have the issue of National Geographic with all of the amazing photos.

Here via michele today!

Anonymous said...

Break out the hot dogs!

from micheles