Sunday, April 23, 2006

There's No Place Like Home!

DisneyWorld is fabulous, but there is truly no place like home. I am tired from the trip and I will need time to collect my thoughts and download some photos before I tell you about it. I had an excellent time and enjoyed myself very much. But a 12 1/2 hour car trip with four children who are tired and over-stimulated is no picnic.

We arrived at my daughter's home last night and fell into bed as soon as possible. This morning, I expected my daughter to drive me and her sister back home, but I got a fabulous surprise: the keys to a newish van! Can you tell champagne is my new favorite color? I was flabbergasted, blown away, moved to great sobbing tears and generally surprised all to heck! Never have I been more grateful for a gift, nor more surprised by one. Thanks, Baby, from the bottom of my heart.


Crayonsetc said...

Sounds like there will be lots of great memories!! Congrats on the van... I love champagne too... that is what color I call mine!!

Here via Michele!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! What a great way to end your vacation, even as tired as you must be!
I love the champagne color too. Happy driving!

I think it's great that you were able to go with the kids to DW.. they'll remember that trip for years and years to come.
Welcome Home Judy, Missed you!

Nic said...

Awwwww! That is so sweet! :) I love that color too though dark sparkly blue is my personal fave. Glad you made it there and back just fine!

Hi from Michele.

carmilevy said...! Are there any other newish vans - of any color - floating around the driveway?


Seriously, what a lovely thing to have happen. You're blessed in more ways than one. Enjoy the wheels. More importantly, enjoy the sentiment that brought them to you.

srp said...

WOW! A newish van? How special. Did Mr. Kenju know about this surprise? You have great kids.

Glad to have you back. I took Nyssa to Disney World once. We had a great time but one trip seriously took care of all my yearnings to see the place.

Eddie said...

The van is great! I bet the trip and getting time to spend quality with your grandkids was rewarding too!
Welcome back.

Star said...

What a way to end a trip! I guess that's her way of saying "thanks Mom"

Anonymous said...

A trip to Disney World and a new van - lucky lady!! Glad to hear you had fun - I LOVE Disney World, but haven't been there in years! Can't wait to take my kids someday. Have a great evening, Kenju. Here from Michele's!

Traci Dolan said...

Wow! Congrats on the van sweetheart!! And, glad you survived your trip to Disney World. Passed by some wisteria (I think it was wisteria) and thought of you.

WordWhiz said...

Aww...what a great story! What a great gift!

Chancy said...

Ahhh Judy You must be a wonderful Mom and GrandMom to get such a great gift.

Lisa said...

welcome home! Relax, rest, and have fun driving the new van!!

doubleknot said...

Disney World and a new van. I would be crying my eyes out though I might not know if it was the trip back with the kids or being surprized by the van.

bornfool said...

Very nice. Boy am I glad you're back. I missed you. :)

Peter said...

That's the way to finish of a good time Judy, welcome home.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear about your trip to DW. We're planning one in October, and I'm going to pick your brain on pros and cons of your trip before I finalize any of my own plans.

Welcome back, and congrats on the new van.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful that your daughter surprised you so nicely. Congratulations (and welcome back)!
Cop Car

kenju said...

Cop Car, thanks for the visit. I would like to email you - but I don't know your address. I am getting a lot of spam comments signed anonymous and I am afraid not to open them, since they might be from you. I have decided NOT to open anymore of them, since nearly all of them are spam. Can you sign your comments with cop car?

Mika said...

You brave soul!

Here from Micheles.

Duke_of_Earle said...

What a fantastic surprise, and the perfect end to a trip like that! And welcome home; we missed you!


sonia a. mascaro said...

Wow, what a great surprise! A newish van! I am glad for you! Congratulations!
Sounds you have also a fun time with your daughter and dearest grandchildren!

MaR said...

Welcome back and what a great suprise for you! :)

Jamie Dawn said...

That's great!
Rest up, and post those pics when you feel like your mind and body are working up to par again.
Long trips can really sap your energy.

Anonymous said...

Red shoes are pretty cool, but a real live working vehicle will get you a lot further! I hope you post a photo of it.

Carolyn said...

Glad you had a wonderful time! Sounds like the end of your trip was as exciting as the first :D

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!! Do you think your daughter will give me a van too?

Weary Hag said...

I can imagine that car ride. But what a reward was waiting for you! Wow, Judy... that's just wonderful about the van. Congrats and lots of fun and safe driving in it!

Gel said...

That is a fantastic gift! Lovely that it was a surprise, too! Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I was gone over the weekend and am trying to catch up with my blog reading.
Sounds like you had a great (but understandably tiring) trip with daughter and grandchildren. And what a great surprise from your daughter! Enjoy and many pleasant miles!

Anonymous said...

I was gone over the weekend and am trying to catch up with my blog reading.
Sounds like you had a great (but understandably tiring) trip with daughter and grandchildren. And what a great surprise from your daughter! Enjoy and many pleasant miles!